Tuesday, March 12, 2024

रहितो न किञ्चित्

नयेन नेता विनयेन शिष्यः शीलेन लिङ्गी प्रशमेन साधुः।
जीवेन देहः सुकृतेन देही वित्तेन गेही रहितो न किञ्चित्॥ सम्यक्त्वकौमुदी
nayena netā vinayena śiṣyaḥ śīlena liṅgī praśamena sādhuḥ|
jīvena dehaḥ sukṛtena dehī vittena gehī rahito na kiñcit|| samyaktvakaumudī
Each type of class of people could remain afloat and active only if they are endowed with or are supported by certain qualities, attributes or resources . No person alive would survive unless he is driven or guided by certain purposes or objectives.
A leader of people cannot survive without clear policy for the upliftment of his followers.
A disciple can earn knowledge and education from various sources, especially from his preceptor, only if he is humble and accommodative.
For a follower of religious order, especially those signified by strict codes of dress and rituals, unswerving character that would never permit him to deviated from his chosen style of life alone would keep him in the right track.
Absolute self control and stoic resilience at any cost is the hallmark of a saint or a saintly person
Obviously a living being cannot survive without the life energy within it.
And every living being can survive in reasonable comfort and welfare only if it has accumulated virtues through good deeds.
Above all, a householder can survice in a decent manner only if he has sufficient resources to look after his family and also to fulfil his social responsibilites.

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