Saturday, March 16, 2024

अतथ्यान्यपि तथ्यानि दर्शयन्त्यति पेशलाः

अतथ्यान्यपि तथ्यानि दर्शयन्त्यति पेशलाः। 
समे निम्नोन्नतानीव चित्रकर्मविदो जनाः॥
 हितोपदेशे ईन्दिस्च् ष्प्रुचे ४८
atathyānyapi tathyāni darśayantyati peśalāḥ| same nimnonnatānīva citrakarmavido janāḥ|| hitopadeśe īndisc ṣpruce 48
Clever and artful people adepts in deception would easily present before people total untruths as truths and invariably convince them too. See, an expert painter creates his picture on an entirely even and plain surface but he could easily given the impressions of depths and heghts in his picture.

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