Saturday, March 16, 2024

अतो हास्यतरं लोके किञ्चिदन्यत्र विद्यते

अतो हास्यतरं लोके किञ्चिदन्यत्र विद्यते।
यत्र दुर्जन इत्याह दुर्जनः सज्जनं स्वयम्॥
ato hāsyataraṁ loke kiñcidanyatra vidyate|yatra durjana ityāha durjanaḥ sajjanaṁ svayam|| mahābhārate|
Can you find anything more ridiculous and funny in this world that when the evil minded fellows flock together and assert with lot of vehemence that the good people around are the really bad fellows.?
The question arose in Mahabharatham millenniums ago. But does it not sound so conemporaneous?

दुर्जनः wicked people स्वयं themselves सज्जनं good people    दुर्जन इति आह  tell, accuse, portray   हास्य तरं subject of ridicule, miserable  tragi comedy  लोके in this world विद्यते किञ्चित्  is there ?

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