Sunday, March 31, 2024

अप्राप्तकालं वचनं बृहस्पतिरपि ब्रुवन्।

अप्राप्तकालं वचनं बृहस्पतिरपि ब्रुवन्।
लभते बुद्ध्यवज्ञानमवमानं च भारत॥
महभारते उध्योगपर्वणि ३९-२
aprāptakālaṁ vacanaṁ bṛhaspatirapi bruvan |
labhate buddhyavajñānamavamānaṁ ca bhārata||
mahabhārate udhyogaparvaṇi 39-2
The above quote is from Viduraneeti of Mahabharatham
The King Dhritarashtra is blind, and blinder with his unfair bias towards his son Duryodhana.. And because of this bias he has abandoned all proprieties, and had permitted the unfair usurping of the rightful kingdom of Dharmaputra by Duryodhana..
No option is left with Dharmaputra but to was a war and gain back the kingdom.. However in a bid for peaceful settlement of the issue , the exiled king sends the great Statesman and a mutual relative Lord Krishna as an emissary to the court of Duryodhana..
Dhritarashtra knows that justice is on the side of his nephew Dharmapurta,, but he is not able to act in any way prejudicial to the interests of his son Duryodhana.
The blind king knows that if the peace talks initiated by Krishna fail the war and the consequent defeat of Duryodhana are writ large on the walls.
But Dhritarashtra also knows that Krishna who is visiting Hastinapura would not be welcomed, but the Lord may even face insult.. And that was a dangerous game..
Disturbed and frightened to the bones, Dhritarashtra is stressed and sleepless. He summons his younger brother, the great Minister and Statesman, the wise Vidura for some advice and solace.
The astute minister discussed statescraft with the King and the elder brother..
In the course of discussions, many aspects covering good administration and right lifestyle management are covered..
The slokam quoted above too appears in that discussion.
Oh, King, the scion of the Bharatha race, If something is spoken, some idea or opinion is given, not at the right time and the correct occasion, even if it is Lord Brihaspati who is making that point, would be riduculed that he is ignorant and redundant and in general would face insult in public
Brihaspati, the preceptor of the Devas is considered to be the repository of all knowledge and wisdom.. Normally his words would never go wrong.. Still when he gives an opinion in the wrong forum, he may face ridicule..
Ultimately, the proper time, space, and occasion matters more than anything else..
word analysis.
भारत O scion of Bharatha races, (King Dhritarashtra)
बृहस्पतिः अपि even Brihaspati
अप्राप्तकालं when appropriate time or occasion has not come वचनम् ब्रुवन् uttering words, opinions
बुद्ध्यवज्ञानं charge of ignorance
अवमानं insult
च लभते too face, too incur, too get..

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