Monday, April 01, 2024

ध्रियदेकोऽपि रिपुस्तावत्कुतः सुखम्

ध्रियदेकोऽपि रिपुस्तावत्कुतः सुखम्।
पुरः क्लिश्नाति सोमं हि सिंहिकेयोऽसुरद्रुहाम्॥ 
इन्द् स्प्रुचे १३४१ चाणक्यराजनीतिशास्त्रे
dhriyadeko'pi ripustāvatkutaḥ sukham|
puraḥ kliśnāti somaṁ hi siṁhikeyo'suradruhām||
 ind spruce 1341 cāṇakyarājanītiśāstre
Even if it only a single isolated enemy that is lurking around you, you cannot find real comfort and security in life. The moon in the vast sky has only one enemy, the Shadow planet Rahu ( that causes eclipse, or gobbles up the moon for short periods according to mythology). The enemy is not of substantial strength and the attacks would come only after long intervals. Still the sense of discomfort caused by the presence of the enemy is nagging indeed.
This statement has to be considered in the backdrop of the astute political acumen of the great political scientist Chanakya.

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