Wednesday, March 06, 2024

musings 262

a sane human being should remember that there are no rights or wrongs in life, to be viewed in absolute terms.. Often, the conflict is between one right and another right.. or one wrong and another wrong..
If there are two rights, choosing either is again a right thing to do..
But everything goes haywire if after pursuing with the chosen right, one starts to regret, or have second thoughts that the second right thing should have been the choice..
It is better always to regulate life in such a way that one feels happy and contented this day, this moment..
Looking back after one and half decades and feeling nostalgic either the positive or negative way is of no use..(of course Nostalgia might give a temporary high or low.. and that is all..)
Time and tide waits for no one..
Career is an important aspect in life..
Family is also equally important..
One can and should strike the golden mean..
But no one need feel martyred or having done a sacrifice just because the career was placed second in priority..
Similarly, if one was really passionate about a career and family was put in the second place, that is also not a sin..
It is a conflict between one right and another right..
But like in military action, once a decision is taken, one has to march forward..
One cannot hesitate in the middle of the march..
And life is full of contradictions.. and sudden jolts..
Quite unlike plans and social media posts..

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