Wednesday, March 06, 2024

No one asked anyone to put life in auto pilot mode..

No one asked anyone to put life in auto pilot mode..
If such compulsions are presumed... no one can help..
I need not do anything just because my neighbour or even my sibling is doing it..
Of course, there is a conflict of interest between the participants in life, each player may try to tilt the wind in his or her favour.
It is for the individual (me)to choose diligently.. It is not worth blaming anyone else.. It is my own life..
and I cannot succeed without a fight.. If I just succumb to external influences including emotional sabotage, it is my doing... my funeral.
Interests of parents and children, husband and wife, boss and employee, .. for that matter take any aspect of life.. between the contracting parties,, are ever in conflict.. in a big or small way..
In the process of negotiation some may not be diligent and land up with disadvantages, minor or major..
It is ultimately their own cross.. and their own choice to carry the cross..
Life is just a transaction between the Individual and everything other than the Individual..
Being an Tamil Brahmin or a Red Indian is just incidental..

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