Monday, March 11, 2024

The old dad will say so.. will the son agree?

The old dad will say so.. will the son agree?
पित्रा पुत्रो वयःस्थोऽपि सततं वाच्य एव तु।
यथा स्यात् गुणसंयुक्तः प्रप्नुयात् च महद् यशः॥
महाभारते आदिपर्वे ४२।४७
pitrā putro vayaḥstho'pi satataṁ vācya eva tu|
yathā syāt guṇasaṁyuktaḥ prapnuyāt ca mahad yaśaḥ||
mahābhārate ādiparve 42|47
Will the grown up sons ever agree to this quote from Mahabharatam,, Adiparvam.. ?
The quote states ..
"Even if the son is grown up and of age where is adult and is capable of making decisions for himself, such son should be advised and directed properly by his father.
That is because the words of the father would be always intended and aimed at the welfare and benefits of the son.
And the son is sure to reap benefits of eternal fame if he followss such advise..
Yes, a father would never give a wrong advise to his son.. The interests and the welfare of the son is of greater priority to the father even above the fathers personal pleasures and preferences.."
वयः स्थः अपि even if of mature and grown up age
पुत्रः son
पित्रा by father
वाच्य एव तु should be advised and instructed properly.
यथा becaue
तद् वाक्यं those words would be
गुण संयुक्तं स्यात् abounding in virtues meant for his welfare . महद यशः प्राप्नुयात् च and would fetch him great fame too.
k v ananthanarayanan

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