Friday, April 12, 2024

मयूराधिरूढं महावाक्यगूढं

मयूराधिरूढं महावाक्यगूढं
मनोहारिदेहं महच्चित्रगेहम्।
महीदेवदेवं महावेदभावं
महादेवबालं भजे लोकपालम्॥
सुब्रह्मण्यभुजङ्गे ३
mayūrādhirūḍhaṁ mahāvākyagūḍhaṁ
manohāridehaṁ mahaccitrageham|
mahīdevadevaṁ mahāvedabhāvaṁ
mahādevabālaṁ bhaje lokapālam||
subrahmaṇyabhujaṅge 3
Prnams to that Skanda the subramania
Who is the master and protector of all the worlds
Who is ever ready mounted on a peacock
Who contains within himself the secret meaning of the four Mahavakyas
(Aham Brahmaasmi, Tattvam Asi, Prajnaanam Brahma, Ayam Atma Brahma are the four Mahavkyas)
Who manifests himself in a form which would attract the minds of one and all
Who has made the minds of the most lofty intellectuals and sages as His permanent abode
Who is the beloved deity of the Learned men or Brahmins who are ever treated as gods even on this earth
Who is the sum and substance of all the great Vedas.. Rik, Yajus, Sama and Atharvan
Who is the darling son of the God of all the Gods, Mahadeva, Shambu the Shankara..
There is a reference in Skanda upanishat that the Vedas themselves wanted to praise the Lord, but could not find words and knowledge enough to do that.. However they wanted to serve the Lord somehow or other. So they took the shape of a Peacock and acte as the mount for Subramania
मयूरभावं निगमाः तपसा प्राप्य षण्मुखम् उद्वाह्य तृप्तिं परमां सप्रापुः सर्वदा भुवि
the Vedas did penance and were blessed with the shape of Peacock and in that form they carried the Six headed Subramania and attained eternal satisfaction for ever on this earth..

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