Thursday, April 11, 2024

My message to a friend, who seemed slightly disturbed

My message to a friend, who seemed slightly disturbed.
"I can say only one thing..Trust in God..*
Have absolute faith in Him
Please invoke the names and greatness of God in whatever way of form you can trust,
and you should trust.. You should have absolute faith..
Adversities come to the best of the people,,,it is a test to one's mettle and faith..
Things will not be bad for ever..
And things are not really bad as you imagine.
You have done very well in life and career and that can be real for many..
You have a mind to be friendly with all ..
What else is necessary?..
Just think of God and the positive things in life..
God is indeed a sort of taskmaster.He never permits any life to be perfect..
But then He is very merciful too..
He never gives us more pain than what we can bear..
In fact when we are serving Him better when we obey Him and bear even his punishments with fortitude..
I am reminded of a Christian Prayer.. " When my Master hands over me the goblet filled with sorrow for me to drink, I receive it with all happiness and sing his praise, Hallelujah.."
I will pray for you.. May Krishna bless..
I am sure, after a few days you will message me that you are happy and relieved.. God bless."-

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