Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Propitiate Gods? or God..?

Propitiate Gods? or God..?
Propitiate means
win or regain the favour of (a god, spirit, or person) by doing something that pleases them.
"the pagans thought it was important to propitiate the gods with sacrifices"
synonyms: appease, placate, mollify, pacify, make peace with, conciliate, make amends to, soothe, calm, humour, win over, satisfy; pour oil on troubled waters; square someone off
So propitiation with or without flowers .. is not a very significant thing.. even a worthy action.
God is not an entity that can be humoured through any sort of inducements or bribes even though we humans may, in our exalted ignorance think so..
Our Yajnas and many poojas are actually based on the probably faulty precept that we can offer something to God and gain his favours..
That is a tricky idea.. Definitely hightly debatable..
But then if we are taking the flowers to the altar of god with the genuine feeling that these beauties will add colour and fragrance to His lotus feet, we cannot be faulted for that..
I agree that a flower is most beautiful when it is nuzzling with its own siblings
all swaying in the breeze and babbling to the bees, in its own mother plant..
That is the best place for it
But if we are taking them to God with the affectionate feeling that the flowers would add to the beauty and majesty of God, then in our own way we are making the flowers proud..
Many things in life have multiple dimensions.. We can only think generally.. If we dissect the issue to the core, we will find only uncertainty..

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