Saturday, May 08, 2010


वेदान्तविज्ञान विनिश्चितार्थाः सन्न्यसयोगाद्यतयः शुद्धसत्वाः।
ते ब्रह्मलोके तु परान्तकाले परामृतात् परिमुच्यन्ति सर्वे॥
दह्रम् विपापं वरवेश्मभूतं यत्पुन्डरीकम् पुरमध्यसँस्थं।
तत्रापि दह्रे गगनं विशोकं तस्मिन् यदन्तस्तदुपासितव्यं॥
यो वेदादौ स्वरः प्रोक्तो वेदान्ते च प्रतिष्ठितः।
तस्य प्रकृतिलीनस्य यः परः स महेश्वरः॥
vedāntavijñāna viniscitārthāḥ sannyasayogādyatayaḥ śuddhasatvāḥ|
te brahmaloke tu parāntakāle parāmṛtāt parimucyanti sarve||
dahram viapāpaṁ varaveśmabhūtaṁ yatpunḍarīkam puramadhyasasthaṁ|
tatrāpi dahre gaganaṁ viśokaṁ tasmin yadantastadupāsitavyaṁ||
yo vedādau svaraḥ prokto vedānte ca pratiṣṭhitaḥ|
tasya prakṛtilīnasya yaḥ paraḥ sa maheśvaraḥ||

श्री महानारायणोपनिषत् द्वादशोऽनुवाकः १५-१६-१७
śrī mahānārāyaṇopaniṣat dvādaśo'nuvākaḥ 15-16-17

Having attained the Immortality consisting of identification with the Supreme, all those aspirants who strive for self-control, who have rigourously arrived at the conclusion taught by vedanta through direct knowledge, and who have attained purity of mind through the practice of the discipline of yoga and steadfastness in the knowledge of brahman preceded by renunciation, get themselves released into the regions of Brahman at the dissollution of the body.
 In the citadel of the body there is the small sinless and pure lotus of the heart which is the residence of the Supreme. Further in the interior of this small area there is the sorrowless ether.. That is to be meditated upon continuously.
He is the supreme Lord who transcends the syllable Om  which is uttered at the commencemnt of recital of the Vedas, which is well establishe in the Upanoshads and which is dissolved in the primal cause (prakriti) during contemplation

The above anuvakas in Mahanarayanopanishat, which is a part of advanced yajurvedic learning along with taittareeyopanishat, in three stanzas describle the way of renunciated people, the location of the Supreme Self in the anahata lotus at the heart of the living being  and identifies the Brahman who is to be worshipped.  These three stanzas along with Na karamana Na prajaya dhanena..... is chanted wherever the great Aacharys who have renunciated everything and walk on this earth as living gods are present.

श्री कृष्णो रक्षतु
with profound respect and warm regards
K V Ananthanarayanan


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