Thursday, December 02, 2010

Like king, like subjects. --

Like king, like subjects. -

राज्ञि धर्मिणि धर्मिष्ठाः पापे पापाः समे समाः।
राजानमनुवर्तन्ते यथा राजा तथा प्रजाः॥

rājñi dharmiṇi dharmiṣṭhāḥ pāpe pāpāḥ same samāḥ|
rājānamanuvartante yathā rājā tathā prajāḥ||

രാജ്ഞി ധര്മിണി ധര്മിഷ്ടാ: പാപേ പാപാ: സമേ സമാ:
രാജനമനുവര്‍ത്തന്തെ യഥാ രാജാ തഥാ പ്രജാ:

when the king (or the administration) is the upholder of virtue and uprightness, the subjects also will have the same qualities. 
When the administration is sinful, the country will be full with sinners. 
When the administration observes equanimity, the populace is also balanced. 
To sum up, the subjects adopt the king (or the administration) as role model for their conduct. 
Like king, like subjects.

The axiom yatha raaja thatha prajaa is often repeated... 
The source for this quote is the Master political scientist, Chanakya.

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