Monday, August 08, 2011

one warrior against fourteen thousand demons

गते तु भरते श्रीमान् सत्यसंधो जितेन्द्रियः॥३९॥
रामस्तु पुनरालक्ष्य नागरस्य जनस्य च। तत्रागमनेकाग्रो दण्डकान् प्रविवेश ह॥४०॥
प्रविश्य तु महारण्यं रामो राजीवलोचनः। विराधं राक्षसं हत्वा शरभङ्गं ददर्श ह॥४१॥
सुतीक्ष्णं चाप्यगस्त्यं च अगस्त्यभ्रातरं तथा। अगस्त्यवचनाच्चैव जग्राहैन्द्रं शरासनं॥४२॥
खड्गं च परमप्रीतस्तूणी चाक्षरसायकौ। वसतस्तस्य रामस्य वने वनचरैः सह॥४३
ऋषयोऽभ्यागमन् सर्वे वधायासुररक्षसां। स तेषां प्रतिशुश्राव राक्षसानाम् तदा वने॥४४॥
प्रतिज्ञातश्च रामेण वधः संयति रक्षसां। ऋषीणामग्निकल्पानां दण्डकारण्यवासिनां॥४५॥
तेन तत्रेव वसतः जनस्थाननिवासिनी। विरूपिता शूर्पणखा राक्षसी कामरूपिणी॥४६॥
ततः शूर्पणखावाक्यादुध्युक्तान् सर्वराक्षसान्। खरं त्रिशिरसं चैव दूषणम् चैव राक्षसं॥४७॥
निजघान रणे रामस्तेषां चैव पदानुगान्। वने तस्मिन् निवसता जनस्थाननिवासिनां॥४८
रक्षसां निहतान्यासन् सहस्राणि चतुर्दश। ततो ज्ञातिवधं श्रुत्वा रावणः क्रोधमूर्च्छितः॥४९
सहायं वरयामास मारीचं नाम राक्षसं। वार्यमाणः सुबहुशो मारीचेन स रावणः॥५०
श्रीमद्वाल्मीकीये रामायणे आदिकाव्य बालकान्डे अध्यायः॥१॥

ततः स प्रयतो वृद्धो वसिष्ठो ब्राह्मनैः सहI  रामं रत्नमये पीठे ससीतं संन्यवेशयत्॥
वसिस्ठो वामदेवश्च जाबालिरथ काश्यपः। कात्यायनः सुयज्ञश्च गौतमो विजयस्तथा।
अब्यषिञ्जन्नरव्याघ्रं प्रसन्नेन सुगन्धिना।  सलिलेन सहस्राक्षं वसवो वासवं यथI॥

gate tu bharate shriimaan satyasaMdho jitendriyaH..39..
raamastu punaraalakSya naagarasya janasya cha.tatraagamanekaagro daNDakaan pravivesha ha..40..
pravishya tu mahaaraNyaM raamo raajiivalochanaH. viraadhaM raakSasaM hatwaa sharabha~NgaM dadarsha ha..41..
sutiikSNaM chaapyagastyaM cha agastyabhraataraM tathaa.agastyavachanaachchaiva jagraahaindraM sharaasanaM..42..
khaDgaM cha paramapriitastuuNii chaakSarasaayakau.vasatastasya raamasya vane vanacharaiH saha..43
R^iSayo.abhyaagaman sarve teSaaM pratishushraava raakSasaanaam tadaa vane..44..
pratij~naatashcha raameNa vadhaH saMyati rakSasaaM.R^iSiiNaamagnikalpaanaaM daNDakaaraNyavaasinaaM..45..
tena tatreva vasataH janasthaananivaasinii.viruupitaa shuurpaNakhaa raakSasii kaamaruupiNii..46..
tataH shuurpaNakhaavaakyaadudhyuktaan sarvaraakSasaan.kharaM trishirasaM chaiva duuSaNam chaiva raakSasaM..47..
nijaghaana raNe raamasteSaaM chaiva padaanugaan.vane tasmin nivasataa janasthaananivaasinaaM..48
rakSasaaM nihataanyaasan sahasraaNi chaturdasha.tato j~naativadhaM shrutwaa raavaNaH krodhamuurchchhitaH..49
sahaayaM varayaamaasa maariichaM naama raakSasaM.vaaryamaaNaH subahusho maariichena sa raavaNaH..50
shriimadvaalmiikiiye raamaayaNe aadikaavya baalakaanDe adhyaayaH ..1..

tataH sa prayato vR^iddho vasiSTho braahmanaiH saha raamaM ratnamaye piiThe sasiitaM saMnyaveshayat..
vasisTho vaamadevashcha jaabaaliratha kaashyapaH.kaatyaayanaH suyaj~nashcha gautamo vijayastathaa.
abyaSi~njannaravyaaghraM prasannena sugandhinaa. salilena sahasraakSaM vasavo vaasavaM yatha..

After Bharatha and the ministers left along with the citizens of Ayodhya, Rama thought that he would be accessible to them if he remained in chitrakuuta and there could be more visits and keen on keeping the promise given to his father Rama did not want to have such visits.  Hence the lotus eyed Rama  proceeded further south into the deep Dandaka Forests .  He slayed the ogre Viraadha in his way.  In Dandakaaranya  he met great sages Sharabhanga, Sutheekshna, Agastya and his brother Idhmavaahana.  As desired by the great Sage Agastya Rama received from him a bow, a sword and a pair of quivers which would always carry inexhaustible number of arrows.  The weapons were earlier given to Agastya by the lord of heaven, Indra. All the great sages living in the forest paid visits to Rama and reported to him about the atrocities perpetrated by the demons and ogres living around them and in the nearby Janastaana.  Rama gave a promise to all the sages who were equal to fire in penance, that he would slay all the demons and ogres and bring peace to them.  In the meantime a demoness named Shuurpanakha ( who assumed the name because her nails were as large as a winnowing fan)  visited Rama  in disguise as a beautiful damsel, requesting him  to marry her after abandoning Seetha. The amused Rama suggested Laksmana for her and when Lakshmana was approached with her amorous  entreaties, at first he tried to drive her away tactfully  and when she persisted with the nuisance and started threatening him after assuming her real huge ugly form, Lakshmana had no hesitation in cutting off her nose and breasts and drive her away. The injured Shoorpanakha  ran to her brothers Khara, Duushana and Thrisiras who were the chieftains of the demons in Jalastana.  They came for a war with Rama and Rama facing them all alone slayed the three demons and also their army consiting of fourteen thousand rakshasaas.  The three demons were the cousins of the Strong King of Lanka, Ravana, and on hearing their disaster and the disfigurement of his only sister suurpanakha,  the enraged Ravana decided to wreak venegeance on Rama.  For executing his combative plans against Rama, Ravana sought the help of his uncle Maareecha.  Maareecha had already had very bitter experience with Rama when her mother Thadaga and his brother subhaahu were killed by Rama and Maareecha could escape narrowly alfter a long flight.  Mareecha advised Ravana not to purchase trouble from Rama but the advice fell on deaf ears. 
(Whenever Ramayana is interrupted, the incident of anointment of Rama as the king of Ayodhya should be recited.. Following the tradition the three slokas from pattahisheka sarga are quoted in the last... When the muhurtham for pattabhishekam arrived,  the elderaly Vasishta, followed by other learned people led Rama along with seetha to be seated on a throne made of jewels.. There Vasishta, vaamadeva, jaabali, kashyapa, kaatyaayana, suyajna, gauthama and vijaya, the great sages and ministers of ayodhya, poured holy waters on the royal couple...this resembled the eight vasus performing the abhisheka of the lord of the heaven.. Indra)

।श्रीकृष्णो रक्षतु।
|śrīkṛṣṇo rakṣatu|
Have a nice and happy day
with profound respect and warm regards
K V Ananthanarayanan
त्यजन्तु बान्धवाः सर्वे निन्दन्तु गुरवो जनाःI
तदापि परमानन्दो गोविन्दो मम जीवनंII
let all my relatives abandon me, let the great people insult me, still I am in supreme bliss since my life  is GOVINDA alone.
Iकृष्णात् परं किमपि तत्वं अहं न जाने"I
लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु।
lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu|

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