Thursday, December 01, 2011

Your Lotus feet may please be graceful to lift me also to such sublime heights

अग्निवासरवळर्क्षपक्षगैरुत्तरायणजुषा च दैवतैः
प्रापितो रविपदं भवत्परो मोदवान् ध्रुवपदान्तमीयते॥११
आस्थितोऽथ महरालये यदा शेषवक्त्रदहनोष्मणार्द्यते
ईयते भवदुपाश्रयस्तदा वेधसः पदमतः पुरैव वा॥१२॥
तत्र वा तव पदेऽथवा वसन् प्राकृतप्रळय एति मुक्तताम्।
स्वेच्छया खलु पुरा विमुच्यते संविभिध्य जगदण्डमोजसा॥१३॥
तस्य च क्षितिपयोमहोऽनिलद्योमहत्प्रकृतिसप्तकावृतीः
तत्तदात्मकतया विशन् सुखी याति ते पदमनावृतम् विभो॥१४॥
अर्च्चिरादिगतिमीदृशीं व्रजन् विच्युतिं न भजते जगत्पते
सच्चिदात्मक भवद्गुणोदयानुच्चरन्तमनिलेश पाहि मां॥१५
श्रीमन्नारायणीये चतुर्थदशकं
भवत्परः अग्निवासर वलर्क्ष पक्षगैः उत्तरायण जुषा च दैवतैः रविपदं प्रापितः मोदवान् ध्रुवपदान्तं ईयते॥
अथ महरालये आस्थितः यदा शेषवक्त्र दहनोष्मणा अर्द्यते तदा भवदुपाश्रयः वेधसः पदम् ईयते वा अतः पुरा एव वेधसः पुरम् ईयत्॥
तत्र वा अथवा तव पदे वसन् प्राकृतप्रळये मुक्तताम् एति।  अथवा स्वेच्छया पुरा खलु जगदण्डम् सम्विभिद्य विमुच्यते॥
विभो  योगी तस्य च क्षिति पयो महो अनिल ध्यौ महत् प्रकृति सप्तकावृतीः तत्तद् आत्मकतया विशन् सुखी ते एव अनावृतं पदं याति॥
हे जगत्पते ईदृशीं अर्चिरादिगतिं व्रजन् योगी विच्युतिम् न भजते।  सत् चित् आत्मक अनिलेश भव गुनोदयान् उच्चरन्तम् मां मां पाहि।।
agnivaasaravaLarkSapakSagairuttaraayaNajuSaa cha daivataiH
praapito ravipadaM bhavatparo modavaan dhruvapadaantamiiyate..11
aasthito.atha maharaalaye yadaa sheSavaktradahanoSmaNaardyate
iiyate bhavadupaashrayastadaa vedhasaH padamataH puraiva vaa..12..
tatra vaa tava pade.athavaa vasan praakR^itapraLaya eti muktataam.
swechchhayaa khalu puraa vimuchyate saMvibhidhya jagadaNDamojasaa..13..
tasya cha kSitipayomaho.aniladyomahatprakR^itisaptakaavR^itiiH
tattadaatmakatayaa vishan sukhii yaati te padamanaavR^itam vibho..14..
archchiraadigatimiidR^ishiiM vrajan vichyutiM na bhajate jagatpate
sachchidaatmaka bhavadguNodayaanuchcharantamanilesha paahi maaM..15
shriimannaaraayaNiiye chaturthadashakaM

The movement to the final destination... the attainment of the Lotus feet of the Brahman that is Guruvayurappa  for the yogis  who can devise various options is described in the concluding five stanzas of the fourth Dashakam.
"The yogi who has served you with devotion is led by gods who preside over fire, daytime, the new moon fortnight (shuklpaksham) and who are depending on the Uttaraayanam ( makaram to mithunam months), to the abode of the Sun from where the yogis enjoy supreme bliss and finally reach upto the abode of the Dhruva star--the polestar.
From the Dhruvapadam they reach the Maharloka where  they may wait till the heat from the hood of Bhagavan Sesha who is forming your bed, or even before  becoming conscious of such heat, the realized yogi proceeds to the abode of brahma ( the brahmaloka is nothing but the naabhiikamalam of the Lord)
Living in the coziness of your lotus feet or in the brahmaloka (your naabhiikamalam), whe the pralayam or deluge occurs at the end of a tenue of Brahmadevea,  the yogis opt for emancipation having attained oneness with you.  They do have the choice of forcibly moving out (or breaking)of the egg of Brahma (brahmaandam) even before pralayam through their power of yoga and attaining moksham or emancipation at their will.
The breaking of brahmanda would mean that the yogi, after promoting himself through the seven sheaths of Brahmandam which are earth, water, the power of thrunderbolt, air, the skay, the principle of mahat and maya, in his sookshma or quintissential body, and escapes to your exalted area where there are no coverings of impediment.
My Lord Guruvayurappa, Lord of the Universe  when the yogis reach the world of bliss through the yogic--devotion in your lotus feet will never have punaravritti, that is coming back to the earth to  take further births.  For them the final destination is reached.  My sweet master Krishna, Guruvayurappa,  I am also in that path, I am starting by recounting  your great lore with utter devotion.. Your Lotus feet may please be graceful to life me also to such sublime heights. Oh my Lord Guruvayurappa,  be my saviour.

।श्रीकृष्णो रक्षतु।
|śrīkṛṣṇo rakṣatu|
Have a nice and happy day
with profound respect and warm regards
K V Ananthanarayanan
त्यजन्तु बान्धवाः सर्वे निन्दन्तु गुरवो जनाःI
तदापि परमानन्दो गोविन्दो मम जीवनंII
let all my relatives abandon me, let the great people insult me, still I am in supreme bliss since my life  is GOVINDA alone.
Iकृष्णात् परं किमपि तत्वं अहं न जाने"I
लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु।
lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu|

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