Saturday, March 10, 2012

creation of gods through sattwa...

सोऽहं च त्रिगुणक्रमात् त्रिविधतामासाद्य वैकारिको
भूयस्तैजसतामसाविति भवन्नाद्येन सत्त्वात्मना।
देवानिन्द्रियमानिनोऽकृत दिशा वातार्कपाश्यश्विनो
वह्नीन्द्राच्युतमित्रकान् विधुविधिश्रीरुद्रशारीरिकान्॥६
श्रीमन्नारायणीयं दशकं ५
सः अहं च त्रिगुणक्रमात् त्रिविधताम् आसाद्य वैकारिकः भूयः तैजस तामसौ इति च भवत्।   आद्येन सत्त्वात्मना  दिशा वातार्क पाश्यश्विनः वह्नीन्द्राच्युतमित्रकान् विधु विधि श्रीरुद्र शारीरिकान् इन्द्रियमानिनः देवान् अकृत।

so'haṁ ca triguṇakramāt trividhatāmāsādya vaikāriko

bhūyastaijasatāmasāviti bhavannādyena sattvātmanā|
devānindriyamānino'kṛta diśā vātārkapāśyaśvino
vahnīndrācyutamitrakān vidhuvidhiśrīrudraśārīrikān||6
śrīmannārāyaṇīyaṁ daśakaṁ 5
saḥ ahaṁ ca triguṇakramāt trividhatām āsādya vaikārikaḥ bhūyaḥ taijasa tāmasau iti ca bhavat|   ādyena sattvātmanā  diśā vātārka pāśyaśvinaḥ vahnīndrācyutamitrakān vidhu vidhi śrīrudra śārīrikān indriyamāninaḥ devān akṛta|

The poet Bhattathiri now starts to describe what  Ahamkara, the product of Mahat (cognitive limb of the Lord's Maaya)  set out to do.  The description would go beyond one sloka.

In this sloka
"This Ahamkara ( this has nothing to do with arrogaance... this ahamkara is the recognition of existence and sense of discretion acquired through the cognitive faculties by the maya force performing the duty of creation) assumed the forms of pure calmness, authoritativeness and power of destruction and christened the three as sattwa, rajas and tamas.   Out of these the first one, namely, saattwika was employed in cration of  the gods who have the sense of being owners and presiding deities of limbs and objets.  The Gods  thus created were  the gods of direction,  air, the sun, the rope wielding Varuna, the divine doctors Ashwins,  agni the fire, Indra, upendra, Mitra, Prajapati, the moon, the fourheaded Brahma, the Rudra and the Kshetrajna,

I feel  from this sloka it should be clear that the maya had to divide the ahamkara tattwam into the three Gunas because creation of objects having predominance in any of  the three Gunas can be created only by a source that is having comparable guna.

The creation process of Ahamkara in Saattwika form are 1,  hearing, touch, eyes, tongue, and smell, directions.. vayu, sun, varuna, ashwins,  2. words, hands, legs, excretory organ, sexual organ, agni  indra, achyuta (upendra) mithra, prajapathi, 3. Mind, intellect ahamkaram(sense of uniqueness) and discretionary power,  moon, brahma, rudra and kshetrajna.. these are respectively  the manifestations and the connected deities as created by the Sattwa Ahamkara.

।श्रीकृष्णो रक्षतु।
|śrīkṛṣṇo rakṣatu|
Have a nice and happy day
with profound respect and warm regards
K V Ananthanarayanan
त्यजन्तु बान्धवाः सर्वे निन्दन्तु गुरवो जनाःI
तदापि परमानन्दो गोविन्दो मम जीवनंII
let all my relatives abandon me, let the great people insult me, still I am in supreme bliss since my life  is GOVINDA alone.
Iकृष्णात् परं किमपि तत्वं अहं न जाने"I
लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु।
lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu|

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