Saturday, December 22, 2018

give up part to save what is left

सर्वनाशे समुत्पन्ने ह्यर्धं त्यजति पण्डितः।
अर्धेन कुरुते कार्यं सर्वनाशः सुदुःसहः॥ 
sarvanāśe samutpanne hyardhaṁ tyajati paṇḍitaḥ|
ardhena kurute kāryaṁ sarvanāśaḥ suduḥsahaḥ|| 

When a learned and diligent person is faced with a situation where all his possessions and material wealth face complete destruction, 
he would try to find a way out by giving up half of his possessions or part of his possessions 
and would try to protect or retain something so that he can go on

Usually even a part of ones possessions can seve ones purposes but if the whole possession is destroyed then existence would become impossible.

Some foolish people cling on too all they possess and drown under the weight of such possessions..

Jettisoning a lot of cargo when a ship is wrecked is a normal rescue action resorted to by mariners..

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