Saturday, December 22, 2018

gold with fragrance,,,

gold with fragrance,,,
दातृत्वमेव सर्वेभ्यो गुणेभ्यो भासतेतराम्।
ज्ञातृत्वसहितं तच्चेत्सुवर्णस्येव सौरभम्॥
सुभाषितमञ्चरी १०-५९
dātṛtvameva sarvebhyo guṇebhyo bhāsatetarām|
jñatṛtvasahitaṁ taccetsuvarṇasyeva saurabham||
subhāṣitamañcarī 10-59

A quote from Subhashita manjari.
This quote is found in Subhashita Sudhanidhi or Sayana too..

Of all the good qualities in a man, his generosity and willingness to share all he possessed, outshines everything else.
And if such a person is blessed with knowledge too, it is just like gold endowed with fragrance

Willingness to share is indeed a great quality.. 
Our life on earth has has very limited tenure.. 
And all around us too face the same limitation..
The short sojourn on this earth can be enjoyed to its fullness only if there is happiness all around 
And happiness spreads its beautiful wings all around when we are just sharing things which possess, including happiness.

A saint may be able to find happiness in solitude, but most of us can be happy only in the company of friends, family and fellow citizens..

So making others happy is the best way to be happy.. and we can spread happiness by sharing what we have, without reservations..

But that thought arises only to the best of human beings.

And if one has enough knowledge and experience, he can make others happy too by sharing such knowledge

Attitude to be generous is great.. And sharing of knowledge adds great value to such attitude..

Gold is very precious.. 
But is has no fragrance..
But if fragrance too is given to gold.. then it is heavenly..

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