Sunday, January 13, 2019

all become equal in disgrace....

all become equal in disgrace....

तिर्यग्भिस्त्रिजगज्जयी परिभवं लङ्केश्वरो लब्दवान्
प्रापाशेषनृपोत्तमः कुरुपतिः पादाहतिं मूर्धनि।
इत्यन्ते बहुमानहृत्परिभवः सर्वस्य सामन्यवत्
तत्को नाम भवेन्महानहमिति ध्यायन् धृताहङ्क्रियः॥
tiryagbhistrijagajjayī paribhavaṁ laṅkeśvaro labdavān
prāpāśeṣanṛpottamaḥ kurupatiḥ pādāhatiṁ mūrdhani|
ityante bahumānahṛtparibhavaḥ sarvasya sāmanyavat
tatko nāma bhavenmahānahamiti dhyāyan dhṛtāhaṅkriyaḥ||

The above sloka is from the Classic Rajatarangini of Kalhana from Kahsmir ..
The work is considered to be a classy Kavyam and an authentic soruce text for History.. of India and Kashmir of the period covered by the poem 

The slokam extracted stresses the futility of ego or sense of self importance harboured by people.

The conqueror of the three worlds, the master of Lanka, finally fell, being defeated by monkeys, who are just animals 

The best among the kings, and a ruler with no peers, the leader of the Kurus Duryodhana, suffered a kick on his head from his cousin Bheemasena, as Duryodhana lay fallen finally hit on the thigh by the mace of Bhima

Yes, even those who consider their own ego and status as the most valued quality and possession fall in disgrace just like all other ordinary people.

If eveyone just thinks well about this, then no one would ever think that he is a very important person and would get bloated up with ego and sense of exaggerated self importance
त्रिगत् जयी conqueror of the three worlds 
लङ्केश्वरः the Master of Lanka, Ravana 
तिर्यग्भिः by animals 
परिभवं लब्धवान् got defeated in battle
अशेषनृपोत्तमः best among the kings, who never had a rival कुरुपतिः the leader of the Kurus, Duryodhana 
मूर्धनि on the head 
पादाहतिं प्राप suffered a kick 

अन्ते in the end 
सर्वस्य for all
सामान्यवत just like ordinary people
बहुमान हृत् परिभवः defeat of the ego which is stored in a high state of respect in the mind
इति ( एव भवति) thus happens 
तत् (विचिन्त्य) if one considers that fact well
को नाम who 
अहं महान I am great or superior 
इति thus 
ध्यायन् thinking 
धृताहङ्क्रियः भवेत् would become filled with ego?

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