Sunday, January 13, 2019

No difference between Shankara and Narayana

No difference between Shankara and Narayana 

ये नमस्यन्ति गोविन्दं ते नमस्यन्ति शङ्करम्।
येऽर्चयन्ति हरिं भक्त्या तेऽर्चयन्ति वृषध्वजम्।
ये द्विषन्ति विरूपाक्षं ते द्विषन्ति जनार्दनम्।
ये रुद्रं नाभिजानन्ति ते न जानन्ति केशवम्॥
रुद्रहृदयोपनिषद् ५६
ye namasyanti govindaṁ te namasyanti śaṅkaram|
ye'rcayanti hariṁ bhaktyā te'rcayanti vṛṣadhvajam|
ye dviṣanti virūpakṣaṁ te dviṣanti janārdanam|
ye rudraṁ nābhijānanti te na jānanti keśavam||

an extract from the Shaiva Upanishat.. Rudrahridayopanishad.. of course it is not a major upanishad.. But the quote is very relevant. especially since even among the staunchest followers of Sanatana Dharma there is a schism about the mutual importance of Vishnu and Shiva 

The meaning of the Slokam is 

Those who fall at the feet of Govinda.. the Vishnu are also falling at the feet of Shankara the Shiva 
Those who worship Hari the Vishnu with flowers are worhshiping Vrishadvaja.. Shiva too
Those who entertain enmity to Viroopaksha the shiva are enemies of Janardhana the Vishnu too.
Those who do not understand Rudra the Shiva do not understand Keshava the Vishnu too..

The names of the Lords.. exaplained.. although not exhaustively.. 

Govinda... the one who protects the cows, the one who protects the earth, the one who is known by all the words.. 

Shankara the one who provides peace and welfare to all

Hari.. the one who just take away the sorrow of all, the one who manifested as a lion...Narasimha 

Vrishadwaja The one who is having a bull in his flag .. as his insignia 

Viroopaksha.. The one who has his eyes in disorder.. Shiva who has an eye in the wrong place.. on his forehead.. with fire smouldering on it..

Janardhana The one who removes the sufferings of worldly woes of the people.. the one who inflicts punishment on people who perpetrate evil deeds 

Rudra... the one who is angry, and at the same time crying in anguish and sorrow too.. just visualize the Form of the Lord Shiva when he carries the burning body of Dakshayani.. the Sati after she immolated herself in the sacrificial fire of her father Daskha..

Keshava... The one who has long and attractive hair.. the one who killed the demon keshi..

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