Wednesday, November 20, 2019

life is beyond mere body

देहे पातिनि का रक्षा यशो रक्ष्यमपातवत्।
नरः पतितकायोपि यशःकायेन जीवति॥ ५३
बल्लालदेवस्य भोजप्रभन्धे॥
dehe pātini kā rakṣā yaśo rakṣyamapātavat|
naraḥ patitakāyopi yaśaḥkāyena jīvati|| 53
ballāladevasya bhojaprabhandhe||

A quote from the famous Bhojaprabhandam of poet Ballaala.

Our human bodies would fall down and die out sooner or later..
So why should one be too much obsessed with protecting this perishable body?

But the name and fame one has earned should be preserved and protected with great care realizing that they are permanent and long enduring

A human being, even if his physical body falls down in death and decay, lives eternally through the body formed by his good name and standing in society.. ..

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