Friday, November 22, 2019

plan the best way possible and face with firmness

केवलं व्यसनस्योक्तं भेषजं नयपण्डितैः।
तस्योच्छेदसमारम्भो विषादपरिवर्जनम्॥
विष्णुशर्मणः पञ्चतन्त्रे
kevalaṁ vyasanasyoktaṁ bheṣajaṁ nayapaṇḍitaiḥ|
tasyocchedasamārambho viṣādaparivarjanam||
viṣṇuśarmaṇaḥ pañcatantre

Another great quote from Vishnusharma's Panchatantram
The medicine or antidote for difficulties and disappointments faced by us are just two.. This is the view of those who are well versed in lifestyle management .
First, we should evaluate the situation and start taking steps to remove or at least bring down the impact of such challenges..

Second, we should simply give up the anxieties and depressive thoughts arising out of such situations and move ahead..

Sure, the journey through life will not be easy..
Challenges would be thrown at us many a times..
There will be roadblocks..
All caution and care might not remove the difficulties that may occur unexpectedly..
It is just human nature..
We may stop dumb-folded and apparently helpless when serious troubles arise..
The character of a human being gets tested here..
The one who is weak in mind and spirit would be shattered and crumble and would never stand up again..
But the one with character and resilience would rally back and face the trouble on its face..
Here the advice from the classic would be its worth in gold..

First, the gravity of the challenge and the extent of damage caused should be evaluated..
And steps to prevent further damages should be considered on a war footing..
What is lost is just lost..
But life has to go on

Second... the attitude is important..
Giving reasonable space for grieving is right..
That alone can help a person to recover from the initial shock.. But nothing worthwhile would happen by continuing to cry or wail..
And such crying and beating of chest can spread sorrow all around and even demotivate others..
Therefore, after the initial shock, one should stop grieving and showing sorrow, but use all his mental and physical resources to get back into positive action..
(Of course tears of politicians and crocodiles are a class apart.. We can deal with only ordinary human beings. )

There is no other way..
If we are alive, we have to live with our chins held high..
If we lose the battle and perish, still, we have to lose in all dignity..

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