Friday, November 22, 2019

The hare and the lion ... a story

बुद्धिर्यस्य बलं तस्य निर्बुद्धेस्तु कुतो बलम्।
पश्य सिंहो मदोन्मत्तः शशकेन निपातितः॥
buddhiryasya balaṁ tasya nirbuddhestu kuto balam|
paśya siṁho madonmattaḥ śaśakena nipātitaḥ||

This is found in Vishnusharmas Panchatantram too

He alone is strong, who is having timely wisdom
The unwise have really no strength even if they may have physical girth and power
See, a smart hare could manage to make a lion jump into a well..
Resourcefulness is the best weapon we have.. Having some brute power without mental resources that would channelize that strength to proper action is just waste..
Even persons of limited strength could fare far better if they are intelligent.. and are able to use whatever strength they have to the maximum use..

The story of the lion and the hare is from Panchatantram.. It is a very useful story for children and others too.

The monarch of the jungle, the lion was having his siesta in a shadow of a tree..
A little hare was running around playfully..
As luck would have it, it failed to notice the sleeping lion and just landed up headlong on the body of the lion..
The lion woke up, and was furious since his cozy sleep has been disturbed by a tiny creature..
He caught hold of the tiny hare by the neck and was ready to devour him.

The hare shivered in mortal fear.. It knew that its death was so near..
What could he do to escape from the grip of this huge brute of a lion?
But even in fear, the hare used its brain.. In a trembling voice, he talked to the lion.

"My Lord and Master, I may be pardoned and my life may be spared.. May I be allowed to report to your Majesty how I came to your august presence in such a hurry?
I have no time to waste..There is danger awaiting all of us in the forest, including your Royal Highness..

I found a huge lion sitting nearby and giving out huge roars as if challenging you, my master.. I was running to your presence to report that to your Highness."

The lion asked.."Another lion?, where is he?"
The hare replied..
"Master, He is standing inside the well nearby"

"I shall finish of that fellow just now..Conduct me to the well immediately
Ordered the lion

They marched to the well the hare leading the way, and the lion following in regal splendour..

They reached the well.
The hare asked the lion with great respect
"Your majesty, may you be pleased to have a look inside the well.."

The well was a huge one, full of water.. It was very deep too.

The lion propped up his body, face first and looked into the plain surface of water..
He saw his own reflection in the water..
He saw a huge lion with fierce mien..
He roared aloud.. the jungle trembled..
The sound reached the surface of water deep inside the well and echoed with redoubled noise..
The lion was blind with arrogance and rage..
He jumped into the well in full vigour.. ready to kill the enemy..
And deep into the waters, the lion went, sank , and died.

The hare walked away.. relieved and happy

The smart brain of the tiny hare was better at any time than the brute lion with practically no brain at all..

The story is known to all.. and to all the children especially..
But do we learn our lessons?

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