Friday, November 22, 2019

we are blessed when friends seek us and grace our house

ते धन्यास्ते विवेकज्ञास्ते सभ्या इह भूतले।
आगच्छन्ति गृहे येषाम् कार्यार्थं सुहृदो जनाः॥
पञ्चतन्त्रे १।२८५
te dhanyāste vivekajñāste sabhyā iha bhūtale|
āgacchanti gṛhe yeṣām kāryārthaṁ suhṛdo janāḥ||
pañcatantre 1|285

a very valid statement from Panchatantram
The really accomplished and blessed persons in this world,
The really learned persons with lot of knowledge and discretion,
The most eligible persons who are to be called to be members in popular assemblies and such congregations,
are those people to whom friends and citizens in general make frequent visits at such eminent perosons' homes with confidence that the people's needs and problems would get attention and solutions would be found..

Mere learning, education and intelligence are not enough. Such accomplishments should find proper application in attending to the needs of the friends and people in general..
Only those peopl who can apply their talents and accomplishment for the use of others can expect friends and other people visit their homes

Yes, our talents and wealth have value only if we can use them for the benefit of all..

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