Friday, November 22, 2019

Honour the guest...that is our duty...our culture..

अपूजितोऽतिथिर्यस्य गृहाद्याति विनिश्वसन्।
गच्छन्ति विमुखास्तस्य पितृभिः सह देवताः॥
विष्णुशर्मणः पञ्चतन्त्रे॥
apūjito'tithiryasya gṛhādyāti viniśvasan|
gacchanti vimukhāstasya pitṛbhiḥ saha devatāḥ||
viṣṇuśarmaṇaḥ pañcatantre||
Receiving a guest and treating him with honour and generosity is a prime duty for a householder under the Indian traditions..

This fact is brought home in a terse couplet found in VishnuSharmas panchatantram
If a guest departs from the house of a person.. the guest not being properly treated and honoured and giving sighs of sorrow and desperation,
then the Pitrus, and Devas present in that household too get offended and they too depart in a huff along with the insulted guest..
the vedas and upanishads place the status of the guests just below the Mother, the father and the Acharya or preceptor..
मातृ देवो भव
पितृ देवो भव
आचार्य देवो भव
अतिथि देवो भव

maatru devo bhava, pitru devo bhava, acharya devo bhava, atithi devo bhava
( from taittireeya upanishad of Krishna yajurvedam.)

अपूजितः without being honoured
अतिथिः guest
यस्य whoes
गृहात house
विनिश्वसन् with desperate sighs
याति departs
तस्य from his
गृहात् house
पितृभिः सह alone with the forefathers who are present in spirit
देवताः gods
अपि too
विमुखाः being offended
गच्छन्ति leave.

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