Thursday, December 19, 2019

avoid danger, but face with decisiveness when situation arises..

भीतवत् संविधातव्यं यावद् भयं अनागतम्।
आगतं तु भयं दृष्ट्वा प्रहर्तव्यं अभीतवत्॥
महभारते १-५६२२
bhītavat saṁvidhātavyaṁ yāvad bhayaṁ anāgatam|
āgataṁ tu bhayaṁ dṛṣṭvā prahartavyaṁ abhītavat||
mahabhārate 1-5622


Until actual reason to be afraid arrives,one should be diligent and behave with so much caution as if he is afraid of the dangers that may befall him

But once the situation causing fear really arrives, one should strike at the root of the danger and should act as if he is not afraid at all.

Caution and diligence would help us to avoid unpleasant things happening to us.. So it is always in our own interests to act with a lot of care and even apprehension so that we can avoid such incidents.. But many times we have no control over the happenings..

It is not right to flee on the face of danger.. Usually, if a danger is overtaking us, flight in fear would indeed make us more vulnerable.. then we invite defeat even without a fight.. But if we stand up and fight, for that matter fight really hard, we really do have a chance to survive and even win..

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