Friday, December 20, 2019

use the available resources..

उद्योगः खलु कर्तव्यः फलं मार्जारवत् भवेत्।
जन्मप्रभृति गौर्नास्ति पयः पिबति नित्यशः॥
udyogaḥ khalu kartavyaḥ phalaṁ mārjāravat bhavet|
janmaprabhṛti gaurnāsti payaḥ pibati nityaśaḥ||
One has to persist with his own work and put to use all available resources to the best of his advantage, irrespective of whether he owns the resources himself or not..
This happens to the cats..
The cat never owns a cow at any time during its lifetime .
But it manages to drink milk every day without break..

The examples of such persons who manage to thrive on others' resources are endless..
We can find borrowers of newspaper every day as a simple example and the borrowers and looters of banks and financial institutions at the other end..

उद्योगः कर्तव्यः खलु one should pursue with his forays always.
मार्जारवत् फलं भवेत् the results will come just as for the cat..
मार्जारस्य जनंप्रभृति गौः न अस्ति from its birth onwards, the cat does not own a cow.
मार्जारः नित्यशः पयः पिबति but the cat drinks milk every day..

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