Tuesday, December 24, 2019

be kind, give everyone a chance...

स्खलितः स्खलितो वध्य इति चेन्निश्चयो भवेत्।
द्वित्रा एवाशिष्येरन् बहुदोषा हि मानवाः॥
skhalitaḥ skhalito vadhya iti cenniścayo bhavet|
dvitrā evāśiṣyeran bahudoṣā hi mānavāḥ||

A quote from the epic Mahabharatham
If we are of the firm resolve that everyone who deviates from the righteous path should be executed then only one or two or even less number of persons would be living in this world..
As a rule, human beings are having too many defects and shortcomings..
Often we tend to bee too moralistic and take extreme views.. We tend to identify the faults in others, and also canvas for very sever punishments and retributions..
The good god in his superior wisdom has deemed it fit to create things far below the standards of perfection..
And the standards of perfection that one person of group prescribe need not be the ideal one
And even if a person wants to live without slipping from strict moral standards, he might slip on an isolated occasion..
Instincts like anger, jealousy, sexual attraction etc can be put under check only with a lot of continuous and persistent effort.
The eternal vigil may snap for a few seconds and even the best may commit the gravest sins..

These are the common attributes inherited by all human being.. or even all living beings..
So if some purveyors of morality just canvas for severe punishment for any slip from the strict provisions of law, then the society would suffer...

Punishments and retributions should be for correcting people from the errant path..
We should hate the crime.. but need not hate excessively the one who committed it...
The worldwide campaign by human rights activists for abolition of death penalty makes a lot of sense..

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