Monday, December 02, 2019

match only the matching...

विद्याभ्यासो विचारश्च समयोरेव शोभते।
विवाहश्च विवादश्च समयोरेव शोभते॥
vidyābhyāso vicāraśca samayoreva śobhate|
vivāhaśca vivādaśca samayoreva śobhate||

A very apt advice coming from Subhashitaranabhandagaram.. the great treasurehouse of wise sayings

Education and learning would be effective and comfortable only in the company of equals
Exchange of views and comparison of experiences too would be of any use only among equals
Marriage can thrive only when two people of similar social and intellectual background join together
Even a hard debate would be interesting only among equals..

It is so true.. Equals only can befriend equals. A mosquito cannot be either friendly or be an enemy with a mountain
A kindergarten baby cannot sit in the same class with a scholar pursuing doctoral studies..

There could be no scope for even an argument between a moron and a learned person

Of course such arguments occur in social media.. and the man with some sense gets injured.. That is another thing..

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