Monday, December 02, 2019

musings 72

Just like painting, singing, dancing or acting, writing is also an art..

And just like noisy singers, clumsy dancers and lousy actors, there are murderous scribes or writers too..

The sad truth is that , the less endowed often do not realize their vulnerabilities..
You know, a fellow with bad breath will not exactly know that he is having it..

A great part of that gift, I would venture to say almost ninety nine per cent, of such talents comes straight from God..
But a person can fine- tune and even rub to perfect smooth shine the balance one per cent of such talent..

The competition in this world is all about that fine tuning..

Many a times the person who nurtures his talent with Sadhana, Tapasya and eternal improvisation on what he has, scores far better, marches far ahead of others who have been endowed with similar talents..

The world is not only just for the geniuses and prodigies alone but it is more for the geniuses and prodigies who are ready to hone up their skills every tiny moment.. |
the geniuses and prodigies and the gifted ones who think of nothing except their special gifts and about improving and maintaining the bonanza from their Maker in the best shape possible..

It is just a gift.. a generous bounty from God..
so there is no meaning in feeling arrogant about having such talent..

Maybe, a gifted person can feel proud that he has been chosen by the Maker to have such talents..
and can afford to be grateful to that Artist with a peacock feather on his crown,
the master with Gita in His lips,
the Dancer with whom
the boys and girls,
the cows and birds,
the trees and flowers,
the brooks and rocks,
and all of Brindavan danced,

the performer when He played his flute made the whole universe stand still listen to him in rapt ecstacy

Pranams to that Lovely Krishna our Master

Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum..

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