Saturday, January 11, 2020


श्री पार्वतीपरमेश्वरध्यानम् 
The Gauree Shankara 

ध्यायेन्निरामयं वस्तु सर्गस्थितिलयाधिकं । 
निर्गुणं निष्कल नित्यं मनोवाचामगोचरम् ॥ १ ॥ 

One should meditate upon upon that object which is having no maladies, which transcends creation, existence and destruction too, which is having no identifiable qualities, which is having no identificable organs, which is eternal and which is beyond the comprehension of our minds and words. ( Here the Lord Parameshvara is tha object.) 

गंगाधरं शशिधरं जटामकुटशोभितं । 
श्वेतभूतित्रिपुण्ड्रेण विराजितललाटकम् ॥ २ ॥ 

One should meditate upon the one who wears Ganga atop his matted locks, who wears the lunar crescent, who is having an attractively arranged matted hair, whose forehead is adorned with three bright lines of holy ashes. 

लोचनत्रयसंपन्नं स्वर्णकुण्डलशोभितं । 
स्मेराननं चतुर्बाहुं मुक्ताहारोपशोभितम् ॥ ३ ॥
One should meditate upon the one who is shining forth with three eyes, who is wearing attractive eardrops of pure gold, who is ever having a smiling face, who is having four hands, and who is wearing a long garland of pearls. 

अक्षमालां सुधाकुम्भं चिन्मयीं मुद्रिकामपि । 
पुस्तकं च भुजैर्द्दिव्यैः दधानं पार्वतीपतिम् ॥ ४ ॥ 

One should meditate upon the one who is holding in hands the rosary (Akshamala..), the urn filled with ambrosia or amritam, who sports the chinmudra.. the sign of peace, knowledge and welfare, and holds the scriptural books in his hand, the one who is the lord and darling of the daughter of Himavan, Parvathi. 

श्वेताम्बरधरं श्वेतं रत्नसिंहासनस्थितं । 
सर्वाभीष्टप्रदातारं वटमूलनिवासिनम् ॥ ५ ॥
One should meditate upon the one who is wearing pure white clothes, who is pure which in colour, who is seated majestically on a throne made studded with gems, who is ever granting the desires of one and all, and who has taken the shadow of a peepul tree as his residence. 

वामाङ्के संस्थितां गौरीं बालार्कायुतसन्निभां । 
जपाकुसुमसाहस्रसमानश्रियमीश्वरीम् ६ ॥ 

One should meditate upon that pure white Damsel Gauri too, who adorns the left thigh of the Lord, the damsef who shines in bright red hue of the rising sun, who is having the rich glow of thousands of japa flowers and who is the source of all glory and spleandour 

सुवर्णरत्नखचितमकुटेन विराजितां। 
ललाटपट्टसंराजत्संलग्नतिलकाञ्चिताम् ॥ ७ ॥
One should meditate upon that Gauri, who is shining with a crown made of pure gold and studded with precious gems, who is sporting bright Tilak on the wide ornamental forehead of hers, 

राजीवायतनेत्रान्तां नीलोत्पलदलेक्षणां । 
संतप्तहेमरचित ताटङ्काभरणान्विताम् ॥ ८ ॥
one should meditate upon that gauri who is having eyes resembling wide eyes resembling the lotus petals, and whose eyeball resembles the blue black utpala flower, who is wearing ear ornaments made of pure molten gold.. 

ताम्बूलचर्वणरतरक्तजिह्वाविराजिताम् । 
पताकाभरणोपेतां मुक्ताहारोपशोभिताम् ॥ ९ ॥ 

One should meditate upooon that Gauri, who is shining forth with tongues which are every bright red because of the betel leaves she chews, who is having oranaments in the shape of flags and armours adorning her body, who is shining forth with garlands made of pure which pearls. 

स्वर्णकङ्कणसंयुक्तैः चतुर्भिर्बाहुभिर्युतां । 
सुवर्णरत्नखचित काञ्चीदामविराजिताम् ॥ १ ०॥ 

One should meditate upon that Gauri, who is giving audience to with for hands adorned in Golden bangles, who is wearing the waist belt made of gold and studded with gems. 

कदलीललितस्तम्भसन्निभोरुयुगान्वितां । 
श्रिया विराजितपदां भक्तत्राणपरायणाम् ॥ ११ ॥
One should meditate upon that Gauri who is having attractive thighs as beautiful and delicate as the stems of a kadali (plantain tree), whose feet are adorned by Sri the goddess of wealth, and who is every engaged in protecting the deotees 

अन्योन्याश्लिष्टहृद्बाहू गौरीशंकरसंज्ञकं । 
सनातनं परं ब्रह्म परमात्मानमव्ययम् ॥ १२ ॥
Let us meditate upon that combination named Gauri Shankaram.. the pair who are embracing each other fondly with both their hands, that is really the supreme brahma, the eternal one ( In Gauri Shankara Form) 

सदा ध्यायामि जगतामीश्वरं परमेश्वरम् ।
I meditate upon that supremen one Parmeshvara who is the protector of the whole universe. 

dhyāyennirāmayaṁ vastu sargasthitilayādhikaṁ | 
nirguṇaṁ niṣkala nityaṁ manovācāmagocaram || 1 || 
gaṁgādharaṁ śaśidharaṁ jaṭāmakuṭaśobhitaṁ | 
śvetabhūtitripuṇḍreṇa virājitalalāṭakam || 2 || 
locanatrayasaṁpannaṁ svarṇakuṇḍalaśobhitaṁ | 
smerānanaṁ caturbāhuṁ muktāhāropaśobhitam || 3 || 
akṣamālāṁ sudhākumbhaṁ cinmayīṁ mudrikāmapi | 
pustakaṁ ca bhujairddivyaiḥ dadhānaṁ pārvatīpatim || 4 || 
śvetāmbaradharaṁ śvetaṁ ratnasiṁhāsanasthitaṁ | 
sarvābhīṣṭapradātāraṁ vaṭamūlanivāsinam || 5 || 
vāmāṅke saṁsthitāṁ gaurīṁ bālārkāyutasannibhāṁ | 
japākusumasāhasrasamānaśriyamīśvarīm 6 || 
suvarṇaratnakhacitamakuṭena virājitāṁ| 
lalāṭapaṭṭasaṁrājatsaṁlagnatilakāñcitām || 7 || 
rājīvāyatanetrāntāṁ nīlotpaladalekṣaṇāṁ | 
saṁtaptahemaracita tāṭaṅkābharaṇānvitām || 8 || 
tāmbūlacarvaṇarataraktajihvāvirājitām | 
patākābharaṇopetāṁ muktāhāropaśobhitām || 9 || 
svarṇakaṅkaṇasaṁyuktaiḥ caturbhirbāhubhiryutāṁ | 
suvarṇaratnakhacita kāñcīdāmavirājitām || 1 0|| 
kadalīlalitastambhasannibhoruyugānvitāṁ | 
śriyā virājitapadāṁ bhaktatrāṇaparāyaṇām || 11 || 
anyonyāśliṣṭahṛdbāhū gaurīśaṁkarasaṁjñakaṁ | 
sanātanaṁ paraṁ brahma paramātmānamavyayam || 12 || 

sadā dhyāyāmi jagatāmīśvaraṁ parameśvaram | 


ധ്യായേന്നിരാമയം വസ്തു സര്‍ഗ്ഗസ്ഥിതിലയാധികം । 

നിര്‍ഗുണം നിഷ്കലം നിത്യം മനോവാചാമഗോചരം ॥ 1 ॥ 

ഗംഗാധരം ശശിധരം ജടാമകുടശോഭിതം । 

ശ്വേതഭൂതിത്രിപുണ്ഡ്രേണ വിരാജിതലലാടകം ॥ 2 ॥ 

ലോചനത്രയസംപന്നം സ്വര്‍ണ്ണകുണ്ഡലശോഭിതം । 

സ്മേരാനനം ചതുര്‍ബാഹും മുക്താഹാരോപശോഭിതം ॥ 3 ॥ 

അക്ഷമാലാം സുധാകുകുംഭം ചിന്മയീം മുദ്രികാമപി । 

പുസ്തകം ച ഭുജൈര്‍ദ്ദിവ്യൈഃ ദധാനം പാര്‍വതീപതിം ॥ 4 ॥ 

ശ്വേതാംബരധരം ശ്വേതം രത്നസിംഹാസനസ്ഥിതം । 

സര്‍വ്വാഭീഷ്ടപ്രദാതാരം വടമൂലനിവാസിനം॥ 5 ॥ 

വാമാങ്കേ സംസ്ഥിതാം ഗൌരീം ബാലാര്‍ക്കായുതസന്നിഭാം । 

ജപാകുസുമസാഹസ്രസമാനശ്രിയമീശ്വരീം ॥ 6 ॥ 

സുവര്‍ണ്ണരത്നഖചിതമകുടേന വിരാജിതാം। 

ലലാടപട്ടസംരാജത്സംലഗ്നതിലകാഞ്ചിതാം॥ 7 ॥ 

രാജീവായതനേത്രാന്താം നീലോത്പലദലേക്ഷണാം । 

സംതപ്തഹേമരചിത താടങ്കാഭരണാന്വിതാം॥ 8 ॥ 

താംബൂലചര്‍വണരതരക്തജിഹ്വാവിരാജിതാം । 

പതാകാഭരണോപേതാം മുക്താഹാരോപശോഭിതാം ॥ 9 ॥ 

സ്വര്‍ണ്ണകങ്കണസംയുക്തൈഃ ചതുര്ഭിര്‍ബാഹുഭിര്യുതാം । 

സുവര്‍ണ്ണരത്നഖചിത കാഞ്ചീദാമവിരാജിതാം ॥ 10 ॥ 

കദലീലലിതസ്തംഭസന്നിഭോരുയുഗാന്വിതാം । 

ശ്രിയാ വിരാജിതപദാം ഭക്തത്രാണപരായണാം ॥ 11॥ 

അന്യോന്യാശ്ലിഷ്ടഹൃദ്ബാഹൂ ഗൌരീശംകരസംജ്ഞകം । 

സനാതനം പരം ബ്രഹ്മ പരമാത്മാനമവ്യയം ॥ 12

സദാ ധ്യായാമി ജഗതാമീശ്വരം പരമേശ്വരം  

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