Thursday, January 09, 2020

musings 110

nothing is completely good or bad..
it is ones own perception..
Yes, this will apply to the views given above too..
The views need not be perfect and correct all the time..

The world.. no one is sure whether it is a reality or illusion..
I am seeing and feeling this world through my sense organs and cognitive faculties which have been developed through the peculiarities of my own biological architecture, and my experiences which are unique to myself..
I do not really know whether the image formed in my mind is a true and correct replica of what the world is..
So I am completely alone and isolated in my acceptance of the inputs..
And once there cannot be any accuracy or hard and fast rules about the reliability of the inputs how can there be any realism in my evaluation of the data and responses based on such perception?

I am sure about one thing..
Every man is alone.. completely alone and lonely..
He seeks God as a consollation, to seek reassurance..
It is the same approach in case of relatives, friends and society.. Our relations with others are just by way of seeking pshychological reassurance..
and perhaps most of us have discovered that empathy,
love or mutual help are better than isolationism..
But there again it is only an estimated presumption..
Often love, friendship or blood relations land a person in more troubles than in comforts and safety..
So instead of dishing out platitudes, I would prefer to take things as they come, without prescribing any rules...
Because out perceptions about what is good or bad for ourselves might change with time, and other varying parameters..
For example, moving round with romance, love, rich food and drink may be heaven for a young sprighly person.. with his hormones raised to dizzy heights..
But that need not be the case with the same person when he gets old, tattered, blind, deaf and doddering..
He may find hope or solace even in the approach of death..

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