Wednesday, January 29, 2020

musings 113

I happened to see a very anxious query as to why human beings as a class are so intolerant, jealous etc..

My thoughts on it

The answer to the query "why" is as plain as daylight..

We are just made as raw human beings with intolerance, jealousy, one-up-man-ship and such tendencies predominating, and appearing so naturally in our approach..

Weeds grow and muck collects without any conscious effort from anyone..

But to clean such waste and to plant or replace such wild growth with more useful and beautiful material takes a lot of effort and discipline and for that to happen it takes a lot of empathy too.

Such good qualities never come to us naturally..

And our efforts to control our propensities and to move in the proper path can get derailed if we relax our vigil over ourselves even for very short periods..

But I do agree, we can always strive to be more effusive and tolerant, though we may succeed only once in a while..

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