Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Conversation between Lakshmi and Parvathi

Conversation between Lakshmi and Parvathi
भिक्षुः क्वास्ति बलेर्मखे पशुपतिः किं नास्त्यसौ गोकुले
मुग्धे पन्नगभूषणः सखि सदा शेते च तस्योपरि
आर्यों मुञ्च विषादमाशु कमले नाऽहं प्रकृत्या चला
चेत्थं गिरिजासमुद्रतनययोः संभाषणं पातु वः

bhikshuh kvaasi balermakhe pashupatih kim naastasau gokule
mughe pannagabhooshanaH sakhi sadaa shete cha tasyopari
aarye muncha vishaadamaashu kamale naaham prakrityaa chalaa
chetham girijaasamudratanayayoh sambhaashanam paathu vaH

This is a funny conversation between Lakshmi the wife of Vishnu and Parvathi the wife of Shiva.
Lakshmi tries to poke fun at Shiva citing some of his attributes and activities and Parvathi retorts and returns the insults by citing identical attributes and activities of Vishnu..
A classic slokam in Sanskrit..
May the heated conversation between Girija (daughter of mountain) the Paravthi and Lakshmi the daughter of the ocean protect us.
Lakshmi asks..where is your bhikshu the beggar (meaning Shiva who went around begging holding the skull of Brahma)
Paravathi replies..He must be in the place of yajna held by Mahabali (meaning Vishnu who begged three feet of land from Bali in his incarnation of Vamana)
Lakshmi asks..where is the Pashupathi who is the leader of animals?
(Meaning Shiva who is the master of all animals)
Parvathi replies.".ls he not in Gokulam with cattle? (Meaning Vishnu who tended cattle in gokulam as Krishna..he is the master of cows)
Lakshmi asks about the one who wears snakes as ornaments (Meaning Shiva)
Paravthi replies that the fellow must be sleeping on a snake(Meaning Vishnu who sleeps in the bed is Adisesha)
Lakshmi advises Parvathi to abandon the fellow who is in the habit of eating poison (Shiva consumed the poison Halahalam to save the world..)
To this Parvathi retorts that she is not fickle and unfaithful enough to run away from her beloved.
This is a dig at Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth who never stays for long with anyone..


Lakshmi asks..भिक्षुः क्वास्ति where is your beggar ( Shiva )
Parvati replies बलेर्मखे in the yajna of Mahabali ( where Vishnu went for begging as Vamana.. here Parvathi means Vishnu is an equally bad beggar)

Laksmi asks पशुपतिः कुत्र where is your Siva who is the leader of Animals..
Parvathi Replies.. असौ गोकुले किं नास्ति... is he not is the Gokula among cows.. meaning Krishna who tends cattle in Gokulam.

Lakshmi says.. मुग्धे पन्नगभूषणः my friend, is your Shivas ornaments a just Snakes.
Parvathi Replies सखि सः सदा तस्योपरि शेते च My friend your man Vishnu is sleeping always on the back of a Snake ( Adisesha)

Lakshmi Advises.. आर्ये आशु विषादं मुञ्च Good lady, get rid of your Shiva immediately, he is in the habit of drinking poison ( Shiva drank poison during the churnig of milky ocean to save the living beings on the earth.. and became Neelakanta)
Parvathi Retors कमले अहं प्रकृत्या चला न My friend kamala, I am not by nature fickle and unfaithful ( like you) and I cannot leave my Lord. Here Parvathi is having a dig at Lakshmi that she does not stay with anyone for long.. No one is permanently rich, it is known.

इत्थं गिरिजा समुद्रतनययोः संभाषणं वः पातु May that funny conversatione between the daughter of the Mountain Parvathi and the Daughter of the Ocean (Lakshmi) protect all of you who are listening to it..

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