Wednesday, January 29, 2020

the five taxmen...

अतिथिर्बालकश्चैव स्त्रीजनो नृपतिस्तथा।
एते वित्तं न जानन्ति जामाता चैव पञ्चमः॥
atithirbālakaścaiva strījano nṛpatistathā|
ete vittaṁ na jānanti jāmātā caiva pañcamaḥ||

Quote from Mahasubhashita sangraham.
The following persons never understand or care about the affluence or poverty of others

The guest
A little boy or a young person
and as the fifth one
The son in law

Some people land up as guests, often uninvited on the household of some hapless host.. The host has to maintain his dignity and respectability by treating the guest reasonably well.. the host may be struggling but the guest would often have more and more demands.

A child does not understand about the income and resources of his family .. When he sees something fanciful, he will make demands on the parents to ensure that the object is acquired whatever be the cost.. And out of sheer love or sense of loyalty , the parents might try to fulfill the whims of the child.. often to their own serious detriment.

It is the basic nature of females to attempt to acquire things which would show them attractive and would show them in a better colour in comparison to others.. Often the dearth of financial resources would not persuade them from not making dents in the financial resources..

The King, wants taxes, levies and resources.. and the king of the State would hardly waive any taxes due just because the taxpayer is poor.

The son in law always expects his father in law to be a limitless credit card.. and he would hardly consider the state of finances of the parents in law.. He knows that money would come on demand because the daughters peace of mind is at stake..

Of course there are exceptions to this rule..

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