Friday, February 07, 2020

futile to advise people who are adamant and wayward

नोपदेशेऽप्यभव्यानां मिथ्या कुर्यात्प्रवादिताम्।
शुक्रषाड्गुण्यगुप्तापि प्रक्षीणा दैत्यसन्ततिः॥ ६४
क्षेमेन्द्रकृते चारुचर्यायाम्॥
nopadeśe'pyabhavyānāṁ mithyā kuryātpravāditām|
śukraṣāḍguṇyaguptāpi prakṣīṇā daityasantatiḥ|| 64
kṣemendrakṛte cārucaryāyām||

A very realistic statement by poet Kshemendra in his great work.. Charucharya
It is of little use to to advise people who are adamant and wayward.. The most sincere advises rendered to them would be proved to be false and useless.
The Asuras were initiated and advised in great principles of life like the Shadgunya by the great scholar sage Shukra who was their preceptor.. But the Asuras continued to live deviated to propriety and their clan and progeny dwindled again and again..

The Asuras had the best preceptor and were advised and guided properly.. But the mindset of this set of people was to defy all that is worthwhile and peaceful and to invite fight and disaster thoughtlessly..
They fought with the Devas again and again and in spite of the brutal physical force possessed by them, were defeated again and again..

The treatise on Dharma and Niti by Shukracharya is always held in great reverence even today..
The four strategies canvassed by him in social life as well as in dealing with enemies,
Sama.. trying to have reasonable peace.
Dana.. appeasement with gifts when the other party is very strong,
Bheda.. creating confusion, and also giving mental disturbance where such action would work in favour,
Danda.. or severe punishment when called for either as a destructive action or a corrective measure

The Six pronged way of moulding ones own lifestyle and the Strategy of the State as put forth by Shukra ( of course these ideas are espoused by all lawmakers and strategists including
Manu and Chanakay) are
Sandhi... seeking peace which would be beneficial to both sides.. truce.. avoiding war or fight as far as possible.
Vigraha... Maintain enmity where that would suit the interests of the state
Yaana... Going ahead with all out attack on the enemy where it would be beneficial
Aasana Ignoring the enemy where physical fight would not be a choice at all..
Samsraya.. Protecting the neighbour at any cost where that would suit the interest of the State.
Dvaiteebhava... Creating schism and turmoil in the midst of the enemies through direct and indirect methods.

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