Thursday, February 06, 2020

noisy but insignificant..

निस्सारस्य पदार्थस्य प्रायेणाडम्बरो महान्।
न हि स्वर्णे ध्वनिस्तादृक् यादृक् कंसे प्रजायते॥ 
यशस्तिलक चम्प्वौ।
nissārasya padārthasya prāyeṇāḍambaro mahān|
na hi svarṇe dhvanistādṛk yādṛk kaṁse prajāyate|| 
yaśastilaka campvau|
A quote from Yashastialaka Champu of celebrated Jain poet Somadeva

Meaning --
Generally, things of little or trifling value are presented and celebrated with great show and flourish..
When copper is beaten with a hammer during processing very loud noise emerges.. 
However during the processing of gold in the same way such loud noise would not be heard..

comments --

The poet tries to drive home the point that when a thing is really worthy, it would be discovered and appreciated spontaneously.
But an object which is of no such value, would glow in apparent shine, but a lot of promotion and advertisement would be necessary to draw attention to them 

Kalidasa said in Kumarasambhavam 
na ratnam anvishyate mrugyate hi tad 
न रत्नं अन्विष्यति मृग्यते हिस तद्
A gem of genuine class and great value would not go in search of persons who would want to possess them.. People just rush to such gems eager to possess them 

word analysis 
प्रायेण generally 
निस्सारस्य of no real value
पदार्थस्य for some object, material
महान् आडम्बरो भवति. there will be a lot of show and celebration 

यादृक् ध्वनिः which type of loud noise
कंसे प्रजायते emanates from copper when beaten with huge hammer
तादृक् ध्वनि that type of noise 
स्वर्णे न हि . cannot be there when gold is beaten to shape with a hammer.

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