Thursday, February 06, 2020

time does not wait on us....

time does not wait on us....

The advice of Rama to Bharatha consoling him on the death of their father Dasaratha and pointing out the duty of everyone just to continue with the work expected of them without wasting time in show of grief excessively, is worth emulation by all of us anywhere, at any time..

The earlier part of the conversation as appearing in Valmikiramayanam Ayodhyakandam sargam 105 was poste by me under the caption .".one has to face the inevitable...."
A few more slokas stressing the necessity to realize that nothing goes on for ever in life and also that there is order and continuity in life situations as ordained by nature itself are discussed below..

नन्दन्त्युदित आदित्ये नन्दन्त्यस्तमिते रवौ।
आत्मनो नावबुद्ध्यन्ते मनुष्या जीवितक्षयम्॥२४
हृष्यन्त्यृतुमुखं दृष्ट्वा नवं नवमिहागतम्।
ऋतूनां परिवर्तेन प्राणिनाम् प्राणसंक्षयः॥२५
यथा काष्ठं च काष्ठं च समायातं महार्णवे।
समेत्य च व्यपेयातां कालमासाद्य कञ्चन॥२६
एवं भार्या च पुत्राश्च ज्ञातयश्च वसूनि च।
समेत्य व्यवधावन्ति ध्रुवो ह्येषाम् विनाभवः॥२७
नात्रकश्चित्द्यथाभावम् प्राणी समभिवर्तते।
तेन तस्मिन्न सामर्थ्यं प्रेतस्यास्त्यनुशोचतः॥२८
यथा हि सार्थं गच्छन्तम् ब्रूयात् कश्चित् पथि स्थितः।
अहमप्यागमिष्यामि पृष्ठतो भवतामिति॥२९
एवं पूर्वैर्गतो मार्गः पितृपैतामहो ध्रुवः।
तमापन्नः कथम् शोच्येद्यस्य् नास्ति व्यतिक्रमः॥ ३०
वयसः पतमानस्य स्रोतसो वाऽनिवर्तिनः।
आत्मा सुखे नियोक्तव्यः सुखभाजः प्रजाः स्मृताः॥३१
श्रीमद्वाल्मीकीये रामायणे अयोधाकाण्डे सर्गः १०५
nandantyudita āditye nandantyastamite ravau|
ātmano nāvabuddhyante manuṣyā jīvitakṣayam||24
hṛṣyantyṛtumukhaṁ dṛṣṭvā navaṁ navamihāgatam|
ṛtūnāṁ parivartena prāṇinām prāṇasaṁkṣayaḥ||25
yathā kāṣṭhaṁ ca kāṣṭhaṁ ca samāyātaṁ mahārṇave|
sametya ca vyapeyātāṁ kālamāsādya kañcana||26
evaṁ bhāryā ca putrāśca jñātayaśca vasūni ca|
sametya vyavadhāvanti dhruvo hyeṣām vinābhavaḥ||27
nātrakaścitdyathābhāvam prāṇī samabhivartate|
tena tasminna sāmarthyaṁ pretasyāstyanuśocataḥ||28
yathā hi sārthaṁ gacchantam brūyāt kaścit pathi sthitaḥ|
ahamapyāgamiṣyāmi pṛṣṭhato bhavatāmiti||29
evaṁ pūrvairgato mārgaḥ pitṛpaitāmaho dhruvaḥ|
tamāpannaḥ katham śocyedyasy nāsti vyatikramaḥ|| 30
vayasaḥ patamānasya srotaso vā'nivartinaḥ|
ātmā sukhe niyoktavyaḥ sukhabhājaḥ prajāḥ smṛtāḥ||31
śrīmadvālmīkīye rāmāyaṇe ayodhākāṇḍe sargaḥ 105

People rejoice when the sun rises in the morning.. They again celebrate the setting of the sun. But they just fail to realize that with each rise and setting of the sun, a portion of their own lifetime is wiped off permanently.

People are ecstatic when a new season starts, their happiness knows no bounds when they see fresh snow and dew, but they do not remind themselves that the advent of each new season is a message that the living beings have a part of their life span already spent away..

It should be remembered that like one piece of wood floating on the surface of flowing water just gets the company of another similar log of wood and they just float and flow for some time together, and under the force of the streams they get separated never to meet again, ones own wife, children, relatives, possessions.. everything is within his reach and contact for his lifetime as decided by forces beyond his control and they drift away from him sooner or later..
Separation from all that one considers very dear or close is unavoidable..
The association with other living beings and separations from them are beyond our control and it is futile to grieve over such separation.

Yes, many of our predecessors are just walking ahead of us in their journey of life.. It is like a procession without a beginning or end.. but people join and depart in the midway.
If we join the procession, and walk along, following the constant path shown by our fathers and grandfathers, we would be moving in the right direction.. There can be no room for sorrow.

The old age is striking us, the resources are depleting, so whatever one has should not be frittered away, but one has to use his time and resources in staying happy in this life and finding ways for eternal comforts in the nether world too..

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