Monday, March 23, 2020

anything may change, but Virtue should win

चला लक्ष्मीः चला प्राणाः चलं जीवित यौवनम्।
चालाचले च संसारे धर्म एको हि निश्चलः॥
चाणक्य नीति
calā lakṣmīḥ calā prāṇāḥ calaṁ jīvita yauvanam|
cālācale ca saṁsāre dharma eko hi niścalaḥ||
cāṇakya nīti

The goddess of wealth.. Lakshmi is very fickle.. so our possessions may not be with us for ever

The presence life in our body is very unsure.. It can take leave of us any moment.

The age of youth and energy in us again is not permanent.. We just move away towards old age..

So in this world which is changing for ever effecting changes on almost everything, the only thing which is ( or which should be) wthout change, which is rock solid and immovable, is Dharma.. the code of truth and righteousness.

Yes, anything may change, but Virtue should win..

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