Thursday, March 12, 2020

Finally the tiger came

Finally the tiger came..

He was a little boy..
He was also a liar and a sensationalist.
He lived in a village adjacent to a jungle where lived man-eating puli..
All the villagers went for work and the boy was work-less. There must have been no school..
By noon, he became bored and shouted.." puli has come.. puli has come." പുലി വന്നേ . പുലി വന്നേ "
The alarmed villagers all rushed to the boy..They were fooled as there was no puli.. The boy repeated this prank almost every noon..
Gradually the number of villagers responding to the alarm dwindled..
Finally a day dawned and there came the noon, and for a change, the puli (the tiger) also came on a visit to the village and the first person to greet him was the boy...
"Just sufficient for my lunch" thought the puli..
and the boy shouted in genuine alarm about the arrival of the puli,
but the villagers thought that it was the usual prank of the boy, the liar and the sensationalist..
But now the moment of truth had come..
No time for lies or hyperbole.. Only lunchtime for the puli.the tiger.
The puli jumped upon the boy and had a hearty meal..
And nothing was left for the supper.

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