Thursday, March 12, 2020

When I am duped, I would ensure that all around me too get duped

I am reminded of an old-time exhibition..

In the exhibition area there was a fully closed tent..
A man was standing outside playing a drum... and calling everyone to go inside the tent and see the contents for a fee on one anna apiece..
The man was telling, " you would not have seen anything like this anywhere".. " Such experiences happen only once in a lifetime"
The curious people queued up, shelled out their coins and made a beeline to the tent, entry one at a time..
and crowding and jostling at the entrance of the tent .
Everyone who was emerging out was telling others that what was inside was worth seeing..
"Relly worth seeing" murmured the persons who emerged from the tent..

Ultimately the truth came out..
The exhibit was a man standing stark naked..
Everyone who went in and saw the wonderful sight could not but wish that others also should have proper darshan..

When I am duped, I would ensure that all around me too get duped

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