Saturday, March 07, 2020

musings 118

If the mind is kept like that of an infant, it reacts to pleasure and pain spontaneously..
Therefore, once the cause is removed, the feelings also recede quickly.
And a state of equanimity or equipoise comes back..
People can choose to keep quiet and suffer silently.. but the tormentor often does not understand, nor even cares to understand that he is causing pain to others..
If the victim reacts, he may be called silly or churlish or immature, but the response will clear the air..
I think many quarrels and feuds originate and are sustained through stupid silence..
After all we are given the mouth to speak (and alternately to eat).

The idea applies to words of praise, thanks and appreciation also..
What should prevent us from telling some words of praise if we see something good..
Only jealousy can come in the way..
But then jealousy is a disease of the mind, and nothing else.

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