Saturday, March 07, 2020

think of Narayana

ये मानवा विगतरागपरापरज्ञा नारायणं सुरगुरुं सततं स्मरन्ति।
ध्यानेन तेन हतकिल्बिषचेतनास्ते मातुः पयोधररसं न पुनः पिबन्ति॥३॥
ye mānavā vigatarāgaparāparajñā nārāyaṇam suraguruṁ satataṁ smaranti|
dhyānena tena hatakilbiṣacetanāste mātuḥ payodhararasaṁ na punaḥ pibanti||3||

A quote from the celebrated work on bhakthi.. Pandavageetha.. 
Brahma Said.
Those men,
who have overcome attachment to worldly things
who have mastered para and apara knowledge.. the knowledge of the supreme, as well as the knowledge of objects and things in the worldly way 
who always remember with great reverence Lord Narayana who is the preceptor of even the gods

through such contemplation on that Supreme being Narayana, get the blemishes in their minds and consciousness completely removed
and they would never again have the chance to taste the milk from the breasts of their mothers..
( meaning they will never be born again)

.1. Para and Apara Vidya are dealt with in detail in Upanishads..especially Mundaka upanishad 
Para in short is the knowledge of the pure consciousness and brahman, unaffected by the worldly things.
Apara is the entire spectrum of knowledge, except the Para ... this can include arts, science, and everything that a person would require to keep afloat in his earthly life..
this apara vidya is secondary in importance to the Para Vidya..

2. When the blemishes of mind and the load of karma are removed from the jeeva or the being through contemplation of the supreme being Narayana , the jeeva attains emancipation from the cycle of birth and death and hence he will never be born again.. 
So he would have no chance to taste the milk from the breast of his mother again.. 
( The rule of life is that a person, if his Karma is not finished would be born again and again in some wombs, to suffer and burn off the results of his karma.. 
Remember what Shankara talks of in Bhaja Govindam.. 
पुनरपि जननं पुनरपि मरणं पुनरपि जननी जठरे शयनं 
इह संसारे बहु दुस्तारे कृपयाऽपारे पाहि मुरारे 
punarapai jananam punarapi maranam punarapi jananee jadhare shayanam
iha samsaare bahu dustaare kripayaa apaare paahi muraare
Birth again, death again, and imprisonment in the womb of the mother again and again
Oh lord Narayana, the enemey of demon Mura.. may you be pleased to save me from the woes of the existence on this world, and existence which is othewise impossible to negotiate..)

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