Monday, March 16, 2020

Musings 121

Life, or meaningful life, is just in training the mind to graduate itself from raw material to something really worthwhile.
Even hope is just the manifestation of the mental process and that process is just the corollary to the status of maturity that the mind has attained.
Even hope, expectation or happiness and their antitheses despair, cynicism and gloom.are just the products of the mind.
A mature mind will know what to hope and such hope would normally bear fruit.

Of course a wayward mind and an untrained mind are just similar to the mind of an animal .
Man invented philosophy and ethics . And in turn the philosophy and ethics discovered the proper human being through the proper channelization of activities of the mind.
Karma,jnana,bhakthi or even atheistic yogas or life philosophies were designed for this purpose. The purpose or process of refinement

Hope for an intensely trained mind is an indicator of what is to come.
And for a vacillating mind hope is nothing but a pipe dream.
We take birth without any training for the mind except the animal instincts.
But the power that may be has given us the faculty to grow.
If we do not utilize that opportunity we would die as mere animals

You are free to have your own philosophy.

It is just my view.. garnered through decades of experience..and training.

I am not for any argument with anyone

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