Monday, March 16, 2020

even death does not change the greatness

घृष्टं घृष्टं पुनरपि पुनश्चन्दनं चारुगन्धं
छिन्नं छिन्नं पुनरपि पुनः स्वादु चैवेक्षुदण्डम्।
दग्धं दग्धं पुनरपि पुनः काञ्चनं कान्तवर्णं
न प्राणान्ते प्रकृतिविकृतिर्जायते चोत्तमानाम्॥
ghṛṣṭaṁ ghṛṣṭaṁ punarapi punaścandanaṁ cārugandhaṁ
chinnaṁ chinnaṁ punarapi punaḥ svādu caivekṣudaṇḍam|
dagdhaṁ dagdhaṁ punarapi punaḥ kāñcanaṁ kāntavarṇaṁ
na prāṇānte prakṛtivikṛtirjāyate cottamānām||
A great Subhashitam from the repository of worthy sayings.. Subhashitaratnabhandaagaaram..

A piece of Sandalwood, spreads its natural sweet aroma, even if it is rubbed again and again ( this will continue till the entire piece is rubbed to finish)
The stalk of sugarcane, when cut repeatedly into pieces still gives only sweet taste
A piece of gold when melted again and again in fierce fire, would give its bright shine, repeatedly..
This is the nature of the really noble people
Even when facing death and destruction, they never give up their natural greatness .. and they never switch over to evil propensities..

We, the ordinary people would appear very genial and compassionate as long as we are in good shape and our existence is not challenged..
But even when some minor disturbance to the normal comforts occurs, we cry, cringe, throw tantrum, and try to regain our comforts even at the cost of harming others
The man of character and nobility would never think of such switchovers.. He would remain stable and steadfast till the end..

Of course, this is an ideal to pursue..
Let us think ever that such a steadfast character is a distinct possibility.

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