Thursday, March 26, 2020

offering naivedyam

When we serve food or offer naivedyam to God there should be silence. Even the parishechana mantras and the six ahutis should be done in a silent or sibilant tone and especially the names of the foodstuff offered should be chanted silently or in a low voice which would not be heard by others.
It is silly to announce that so many vadas laddus or so many litres of payasam are offered.
A basic rule about taking food In our culture is that the person who serves the food and the host who ceremonially offers the food and also the one who eats should maintain absolute silence.
Even the additional servings should be offered through gestures.
मौनेन भोक्तव्यम्
Maunena bhoktavyam.

Of course there is a practice of abishravanam अभिश्रवणं where Vedic scholars recite from Vedas, puranas etc sitting in an adjoining area while the ceremonial.feast is taking place

But we tend to announce and publicize the naivedyams with gusto..
And often the foodstuff is announced even in festival notices days in advance..

We have deviated too much from our standard etiquette.

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