Thursday, March 26, 2020

Only through meditation and chanting

जप्येनैव तु संसिध्येद्ब्राह्मणो नात्र संशयः।
कुर्यादन्यन्न वा कुर्यान्मैत्रो ब्राह्मण उच्यते॥
मनुस्मृत्याम् २-८७
japyenaiva tu saṁsidhyedbrāhmaṇo nātra saṁśayaḥ|
kuryādanyanna vā kuryānmaitro brahmaṇa ucyate||
manusmṛtyām 2-87

A quote from manusmriti..
Only through meditation and chanting.. ( japam in Sanskrit and scriptures) a brahmana should attain fulfilment in life.
There is no doubt about it. No room for two views in the matter.
He may perform other duties too.. or he may not do anything other than japam..
Still he is considered as the friend of all because his japam brings welfare to all things around

People who consider themselves as brahmins have deviated from Japayajna.. meditation and periodic worship of Sandhya, Savitri Gayatri, Sarasvathi etc all through their lives..
In that case, are they really friends of the world?
Meaning... word analysis
जप्येन through chanting and meditation एव alone ब्राह्मणः a brahmin संसिध्येत् तु should realize fulfilment in life
अत्र न संशयं अस्ति in this matter, there is no doubt.
सः he
अन्यं कुर्यात् may do other things
न कुर्यात् वा or may not do anything else
(जप्येन) ब्राह्मणः (लोकस्य) मैत्रः उच्यते for the chanting and meditation for the welfare of all the Brahmin is considered as the friend of the whole world..

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