Saturday, March 07, 2020

rare or even impossible...

सख्यं कारणनिर्व्यपेक्षमिनताहंकारहीना सती
भावो वीतजनापवाद उचितोक्तित्वं समस्तप्रियं।
विद्वत्ता विभवान्विता तरुणिमा पारिप्लवत्वोज्झितो
राजत्वम् विकळङ्कमत्र चरमे काले किलेत्यन्यथा॥
कल्हणकृते राजतरङ्गिण्याम्॥ ८-१६१
sakhyaṁ kāraṇanirvyapekṣaminatāhaṁkārahīnā satī
bhāvo vītajanāpavāda ucitoktitvaṁ samastapriyaṁ|
vidvattā vibhavānvitā taruṇimā pāriplavatvojjhito
rājatvam vikaḻaṅkamatra carame kāle kiletyanyathā||
kalhaṇakṛte rājataraṅgiṇyām|| 8-161

A great quot from Kalhanas Rajatarangini.. This work is famous in Sanskrit literature and Indian History as the first authentic record in Indian History.. the work deals with the Royal Dynasty in Kashmir.. at the dawn of Christian Era..

The meaning of the Sloka
The occurrence of the following are indeed very rare.. well near impossibilities..
Friendship or show of friendship without any reason, expectation..
Being a master of boss without arrogance and dominance.
The chaste nature of a lady which would not attract scandal some day or other

Capacity to say things in the proper place and in the proper manner
A person being popular and acceptable for all the people for a long time
Possession of great knowledge and erudition
State of being very rich in resources.
Existence in a state of youth with all vigour and vibrancy
And the state of being in control and power as a king till one dies..

One can be at the peak of happiness and popularity for some time..But to sustain such popularity for long time is indeed impossible..

Our minds are fickle.. The minds of all around us are fickle,.
Nature is fickle.. Time is fickle..
So neither nice things nor not so nice things continue for ever..
If we remember this, we can avoid a lot of heartbreaks

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