Monday, March 30, 2020

slow, sure and steady...

शनैरर्थः शनैः पन्था शनैः पर्वतमारुहेत्।
शनैर्विद्या च धर्मश्च व्यायामश्च शनैः शनैः॥
चाणक्यराजनीत्याम् २ ४९
śanairarthaḥ śanaiḥ panthā śanaiḥ parvatamāruhet|
śanairvidyā ca dharmaśca vyāyāmaśca śanaiḥ śanaiḥ||
cāṇakyarājanītyām 2 49

One should earn and save slowly and steadily
One should travel slowly and with careful planning
One should climb a mountain with deliberate slowness and caution
One should acquire knowledge with slow contemplation
One should tread the path of virtue very slowly and meticulously
One should exercise slowly and regularly

Another great advise from Chanakya

For a person who has set out to succeed in life through hard work, wealth usually accumulates slowly..
Suddenaffluence usually would have some unsavoury background

Journey, though thoroughly enjoyable for most people, would expose them to many unexpected situations and challenges..
Hence if journeys are made with no plans, real difficulties and damages can be the outcome.

Climbing a mountain is in most cases an inch-by-inch struggle..
That too exhausting.
If sufficient energy for the final laps near the summit are not preserved, the initial enthusiasm and hard work can go waste..
So one has to be slow and steady in climbing.

Knowledge gets absorbed and assimilated only at an optimum pace..
A lot of information can get attached to the temporary memory process even if studied without due contemplation, but such things will not cling to the mind in the long run..

The methods of proper education are really slow and steady..

The journey of life adhering to the dharma can be very tenuous..
It takes a lot of time to know what is the correct decision to be taken..
The rights of various stakeholders can conflict even in very genuine transactions..

Justice delayed may be justice denied..
But justice hurried is no justice at all..

Exercise, physical as well as mental, would have the desired impact only if performed regularly and in panned steps..

Anyone who has tried any sort of fitness plans would have realized how difficult it had been to fit into the groove..

So the slowness is prescribed in various activities for different reasons..
Slow and steady wins the race...
But it should not be on account of laziness..
Because for a lazy fellow, there can neither be a race nor rice..

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