Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The same Krishna Viewed in different ways. by different persons

The same Krishna Viewed in different ways. by different persons

मल्लानां अशनिः नृणां नरवरः स्त्रीणां स्मरो मूर्तिमान्।
गोपानां स्वजनोऽसतां क्षितिभुजां शास्ता स्वपित्रो शिशुः।
मृत्युर्भोजपतेः विराडविदुषां तत्त्वं परं योगिनां।
वृष्णीनां परदेवतेति विदितो रङ्गं गतः साग्रजः॥ १७
श्रीमद्भागवते दशमस्कन्धे पूर्वार्धे कुवलयापीठवधोनाम त्रिचत्वारिंशोऽध्याये॥
mallānāṁ aśaniḥ nṛṇāṁ naravaraḥ strīṇāṁ smaro mūrtimān|
gopānāṁ svajano'satāṁ kṣitibhujāṁ śāstā svapitro śiśuḥ|
mṛtyurbhojapateḥ virāḍaviduṣāṁ tattvaṁ paraṁ yogināṁ|
vṛṣṇīnāṁ paradevateti vidito raṅgaṁ gataḥ sāgrajaḥ|| 17
śrīmadbhāgavate daśamaskandhe pūrvārdhe kuvalayāpīṭhavadhonāma tricatvāriṁśo'dhyāye||

A very interesting description in Srimad Bhagavatham Tenth Canto.. The Author Vyasa is very matter of fact and austere throughout the puranam in use of words.
But this situation prods even that sedate author to use hyperbole.. The imp Krishna makes him to do so
The boys Balarama and Krishna sons of Vasudeva grow in Gokulam and Vrindavan, happily playing.. Krishna is ten years now, and Balarama is elder by a year..
Kamsa, the uncle of Krishna, has got wind that the boy was growing just to annihilate him . He played so many tricks, sent so many demons to finish off Krishna in the abode of Nandagopa himself but all attempts of Kamsa failed and his plans were shattered and his henchmen all killed.
Finally the King Kamsa sends Akrura to Gokulam with an invitation to Nanda and the boys Balarama and Krishna to attend a Yajna being conducted in Mathura by Kamsa. It is not just an invitation but more of an order.. The intention of Kamsa was to murder the boys while in his own capital..
The brother Rama and Krishna reach Mathura.. They visit the yajnashala of Kamsa.. A very heavy and sturdy bow called Vishnu Chaapa was exhibited there and Krishna just lifted it, tried to tie its string, but when He tried to bend it in the proscess, the bow broke with a thunder-like noise which almost broke the heart of Kamsa.
The boys proceeded and were blocked in their progress towards the palace of Kamsa by the huge elephant Kuvalyaapeeda.. and this elephant was simply killed by krishna through blows from his fist.. And he tore off the tusks of the elephant too.
Yes, the poet in Vyasa just tells how Krishna looked like that at that moment..
Here starts the Slokam.. and its meaning is..
The mallas or wrestlers Chanura and Mushtika were waiting for a wrestling bout with the boys.. For them Krishna just appeared as if he is thunderbolt in human form
The citizens of Mathura who watched Krishna found in Him the best among men who was going to finish off the tyrant Kamsa and would give them a fair and just administration
The ladies watching Krishna found him so attractive that they thought that it was the God of love Kamadeva himself walking along the streets of Mathura.
While coming to Mathura, some cowherd friends.. gopas from gokulam had accompanied Krishna.. For them Krishna was just their own lovely friend.
There were many vassal kings of ill repute attending the court of Kamsa.. for them Krishna was the strict Judge and disciplinarian who was sure to hand out punishments for their evil deeds..
The parents of Krishna.. both Nanda and Yasodha, and Devaki and Vasudeva, were anxiously watching the activities of Krishna, Rama and Kamsa.. For them Krishna was just a very small kid.. whom they loved and adored.

Kamsa the King of Bhoja was watching the progress of Krishna, from a distance, virtually hiding himself in fear.. For him Krishna was just the God of Death Yama appearing in person, ready to pounce on him.
For the not so learned persons who viewed Krishna with much respect, He appeared as the Viraat.. the material with which the whole universe was created and built up.
( For the really learned He is Narayana the Parabhrahmam)
For the learned Yogins, Krisha was the ultimate principle, the ultimate thing, the ultimate knowledge, the ultimate entity for which they had been searching all along.

For the people born in the clan of Vrishni ( Vasudevas and Krishnas own clan) Krishna was the ultimate deity, the ultimate leader ..

And thus walks Krishna towards the wrestling pit.. in the eminent company of his elder brother Balarama..

The elegance of this slokam tells everything about Krishna.. Every student, every devotee of Srimad Bhagavatham just adores this sloka..

Of course, later Krishna and Balarama finish off the wrestlers Chaanoora and Mushtika, the Krishna jumps at Kamsa and kills him.. Ugrasena, the father of Kamsa and the maternal grandfather of Krishna is made the King of Mathura.. Krishna later on migrates with His elder brother, parents, and his whole Vrishni clan to Dwaraka, builds up a city and rules there..

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